NukeNews No. 4 - CZECH

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*       NukeNews č. 4 – Informace z oblasti antiatomu      *

0. Úvodem
Omluvte prosím zpoždění, se kterým přichází 4.číslo newsletteru Nuke
News. Zřejmě jsme stále ještě malá skupina aktivních lidí, která tento
newsletter vydává a která na něm pracuje. Doufáme, že v budoucnu
dostaneme více příspěvku z řad čtenářů, tedy i od Vás. Posílejte nám
prosím krátké články na News AT na a
napište nám také, pokud chcete pomoci s vytvářením tohoto
mezinárodního informačního systému.

Za několik dní to bude rok od začátku katastrofy v japonské Fukušimě.
Po globálním akčním dni 11.února byla oznámeno mnoho informačních akcí
na den výročí fukušimské havárie, tedy na neděli 11.března. Až do
dnešního dne nadále uniká radioaktivita z areálu poničené japonské
elektrárny, která kontaminuje moře, ovzduší a potraviny. Fukušima se
stává jednou z největších jaderných havárie v dějinách.

Pro letošní léto se plánuje několik mezinárodních akcí a kampaní.
Budeme Vás o nich informovat opět formou našeho newsletteru. Uvítáme
také krátké zprávy o Vámi plánovaných aktivitách a akcích v
následujících měsících, které můžeme zařadit do dalšího vydání Nuke
News, který je plánován na konec května.

Obsah aktuálního newsletteru NukeNews č. 4
0.  Úvodem
1.  Soudní příkaz proti demonstrantům v Hinkley byl stažen
2.  Aktuální situace jaderné energetiky v Japonsku
3.  Ve Francii byla zjištěna kumulace případů onemocnění leukémií
4.  Antiatomové akční léto 
5.  Talvivaara: Povolení pro těžbu uranu v evropských niklových
6.  Antiatomová plavební tour po Baltském moři
7.  Online – kampaň proti jaderné elektrárně Kola. Přidejte se!
8.  Britové jsou po Fukušimě více pro jadernou energii
9.  Jaderná bezpečnost: ruská ekologická organizace podporuje indická
10. Visaginas: Obrovské investice do infrastruktury zvyšují stavební
11. Nizozemí: projekt Borseele 2 odložen
12. Rusko ignoruje potřebu zlepšit plány pro případ jaderné katastrofy
13. Lidský řetěz za výstup z jádra 
14. Finská karta uranového průmyslu byla aktualizována
15. Rakousko: založení nové sítě „Rakousko bez jádra“
16. Česká republika: jaderné plány byly zpochybněny
17. Pobočka Rosatomu byla obviněna z prodeje podřadného zařízení 
18. Ledové kry a špatná práce inženýrů
19. Hledáme dobrovolníky pro mezinárodní kancelář antiatomové sítě 
20. Horní Rakousko
21. Nový informační materiál 
22. Rosatom ruší starý projekt černobylského reaktoru v Kursku:
    správné rozhodnutí, špatné poselství
23. Jaderná energetika ve Slovinsku na postupu
24. Kniha ohledně jaderných rizik kolem Baltského moře
25. Mezinárodní antiatomový kemp a setkání v Sasku
26. Akce v následujících měsících
27. O NukeNews 

1.  Soudní příkaz proti demonstrantům v Hinkley byl stažen
12.února obsadili demonstranti a kapela „Seize the Day“ v lokalitě
nového projektu jaderné elektrárny Hinkley Point v Somersetu opuštěnou
farmu, kteří zde protestovali pro záměru vyklidit staveniště ještě
před tím, než bude vydáno povolení stavbu jaderné elektrárny. V
následujícím dni  vzyval pracovník somersetského councilu k tomu, aby
byly v okolí rozdány kaluim – jodidové tablety.

18.února předložila firma EdF dokumenty, kterými firma stvrzuje
vlastnictví dotčených pozemků a požadovala soudní příkaz proti všem
protestům a obsazení pozemků protijadernými aktivisty. Případ
projednával 27.února Nejvyšší soud spojeného království a ačkoli věc
vlastnictví byla rozhodnuta ve prospěch EdF, byl soudní příkaz proti
demonstrantům stažen.

2.  Current situation over nuclear power in Japan
As of 27 January, just three reactors were in operation out of 54: 34
remain shut for inspection while the remaining 17 units are shutdown
either a result of the tsunami or at the request of the government.

According to a Japanese survey published in the newspaper Yomiyuri,
573 deaths have been certified as « disaster-related » by 13
municipalities affected by the Fukushima disaster. See:

3.  French leukemia clusters found
A study by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
looked into the incidence of child leukaemia cases diagnosed between
2002 and 2007 within five kms around 19 nuclear power plants. It found
an average doubling of the incidence of leukaemia among under-fives in
these areas compared with the average elsewhere. This study confirms
an earlier German study, known as the KiKK, which also found a
doubling of the incidence of child leukaemia near nuclear power
plants, and an increased risk of 60 per cent for all childhood

4.  Anti-nuclear action summer
Organizers of three different anti-nuclear actions and activities in
central and northern Europe invite you to an "anti-nuclear action
summer". For those of you who think one action is not enough to stop
nuclear power and the powers behind it, we suggest you to join a
couple of events:
From July 30 to August 3, an international anti-nuclear camp and
network gathering will take place in Döbeln (D). An activists bus is
going to be organized to ship people from there - possibly with
additional stops in Germany - to Olkiluoto, Finland. There an
anti-nuclear protest and blockade camp will be held from August 6-13,
with its highlight, the third publicly announced "Olkiluoto Blockade",
on August 11. Afterwards join us with the anti-nuclear sailing trip
and bike tour from Stockholm (SE) to Greifswald (D) starting on August
26 to be finished on September 9.

You are also welcome to take part in only two of these three
activities, or even shorter. However, we are also open for additional
suggestions to fill the anti-nuclear summer. Contact us at
summeraction AT .

5.  Talvivaara: Uranium Extraction Permission for Europe's Largest
    Nickel Mine?
Talvivaara, Europe's largest open cast nickel mine wants permission to
extract uranium in cooperation with Canada's Cameco. Located in the
Kainuu region of Finland, the mine has already had chemical spills, 
widespread regional air and water contamination and chemical fires at
the processing facility. The Kainuu Regional Environment Centre has
discovered four badly contaminated lakes and three others 'less badly'
contaminated. Despite these and other problems Euratom and the
European Commission have already granted their approval for a uranium
processing facility. Decisions by the Finnish national government and
the regional state provincial office are expected to be made this
spring. Local and regional opposition has been growing, more is

For full article:

6.  Anti-nuclear Sailing Trip across the Baltic Sea
We invite you to join an anti-nuclear action sailing trip starting in
Stockholm (SE) on August 26, stopping at several harbours for doing
action, meeting local activists and holding information events, to end
at the harbour of Greifswald (D) on September 9. It will be an
international action initiated by the AntiNuclearNetwork NorthEast
Germany. Please announce your interest to join the sailing trip as
soon as possible as the "seats" on boat are limited.

Along with the sailing trip comes a bike tour giving people the chance
to switch between boat and bike. It will also be a chance to involve
more people and reach more publicity. Find out more:

7.  Online campaign against Kola NPP. Join please!
The Kola nuclear power plant poses a safety hazard for people and the
environment in Murmansk and neighboring countries, reads the letter
young ecologists asks you to sign online and send to President Dmitri
Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The letter argues that
both the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Russian experts
at a State Council session claim the reactors have inadequate safety
levels. The campaign is organized by Nature and Youth in Norway and
Priroda i Molodezh in Russia. Other environmental groups and political
youth parties are supporting the campaign. Read more: 

Sign here:

8.  British more pro-nuclear since Fukushima!
According to a series of poll figures from Ipsos Mori, after a short
dip after Fukushima, nuclear power is more popular in the UK than
before the Fukushima disaster. A poll on December 11th found 50% in
favour of nuclear power against 20% opposed. This must be put down to
the success of relentless government and industry propaganda in the UK
in favour of nuclear.

9.  N-safety: Russian green group backs NGOs
Indian NGOs opposing the proposed nuclear power plant in Kudankulam
have got covering fire from Moscow. A Russia-based environmental
group, EcoDefence, on February 27th backed the Indian non-profit
groups, saying Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s remark on foreign
funded NGOs thwarting nuclear enterprises was incorrect.

10. Visaginas: large infrastructure investments boost construction
Another recent hit for Lithuania's new NPP plans: the transport of the
suggested ABWR reactor parts of 25 m length and 8 m width to the
Visaginas NPP site will need to significantly upgrade many roads,
brigdes and viaducts. The expected route from Klaipeda port to the
Visaginas NPP construction site is  some 550 km. Huge investments are
needed to strengthen the roads, bridges and to build few new road
sections just for this single transportation.

11. Netherlands: Borssele-2 postponed
Not completely surprising came the announcement of Dutch utility Delta
about postponing plans to build a second nuclear power plant in the
Netherlands because of the poor investment climate and low electricity
prices. Although Delta states it remains committed to the project, not
many believe in its resurrection.

Delta had plans to build a nuclear power plant with a maximum capacity
of 2,500 megawatts in the Zeeland province in the southwest of the
country, next to an existing plant near the town of Borssele, but said
on January 23, 2012 it was delaying these for two to three years. "The
last half-year the investment climate has worsened due to the
financial crisis. In addition, overcapacity of electricity production
has increased further due to the recession," Delta said in a

Read the whole story:

12. Russia ignoring case for beefing up nuclear disaster plans
All nuclear power plants are dangerous. Each and every one of the
world’s reactors in operation is inherently susceptible to an accident
– something even the nuclear industry would acknowledge is true. But
where countries like Japan strive to learn the tragic lessons of
nuclear disasters such as the recent catastrophe at Fukushima Daiichi,
Russia, which remains a staunch proponent of nuclear energy, fails to
take the potential threat seriously and prepare adequate population
protection measures.

13. Human Chain for A Nuclear Phase-Out
With 58 nuclear reactors and many nuclear fuel facilities, France is
the country in Europe whith the highest nuclear risk. In case of an
accident happening here, large areas in Europe would also be

We don't want to wait until an accident happens to see the French NPP
closed! Since the 28th of March 2011, a small group of citizens of the
Rhône Valley has been preparing a 235-km-long human chain between Lyon
and Avignon. With the help of the French anti-nuclear network "Sortir
du nucléaire", they decided to let a chain reaction off, that should
work as a symbol in France and Europe. On Sunday, the 11th March 2012,
we will organize this big Franco-European human chain against nuclear
power on the Route Nationale 7!
We're looking forward to see as many people as possible, and most 
particularly our European neighbours!

More information on

14. Finnish Uranium Industry map update
A map of Finland’s uranium projects has been published.
There are several mining projects in Finland that have uranium in
their orebodies. The government has granted permission to the
Talvivaara mining company to start producing uranium at its quarry in
Sotkamo on the 1st of March. This is the first permission process
concerning uranium extraction in Finland.

The map of uranium mining and nuclear energy projects offers a view on
the situation in Finland. The map is made by Mika Huhtanen, an
activist in Lappilaiset Uraanivoimaa Vastaan (Lapland's People Against
Uranium Power Movement).

The map is available here (FI & UK version):

15. Austria: Network "Austria - nuclear free" established
Two nationwide meetings and an informal cooperation of around 20 NGOs
took place in Linz, Upper Austria, already with a third meeting
planned for June 2012 in Salzburg. Coordinated by NGOs, which started
the debate on a possible end of Austria´s membership in EURATOM as a
logical consequence of the country´s anti-nuclear stance, the new
network among others pushes politicians to legally stop the import of
electricity from NPP. There exists also a close cooperation with
anti-nuclear NGOs in the Czech Republic with good contacts to
Slowakia, having the NPPs Temelin, Dukovany and Mochovce in their
special focus.

see more hier: and

16. Czech Republic: Nuclear plans massively doubted
A few months ago it looked as if the Czech Republic would plan to
built up to 18 new NPP-units, at least some politicians seem to have
dreamed of that. The combination of falling electricity prices and
the disaster in Fukushima seems however, had some impact. Latest news
speak of only up to three or so new blockes and the same number of
potential companies, wanting to have this business: Areva,
Westinghouse and Rosatom. Their bids are expected for later this year.
In the end the share-holders of mainly state-owned utility CEZ might
prefer higher dividends to a risky longterm investemt.

see also:
(economic study of the Temelín expansion project) and
(homepage of czech anti-nuke-NGOs)

17. Rosatom-owned company accused of selling shoddy equipment
Russian Federal prosecutors have accused a company owned by the
country’s nuclear energy corporation, Rosatom, with massive corruption
and manufacturing substandard equipment for nuclear reactors under
construction both at home and abroad.

18. Pack ice and bad engineering
The proposed Fennovoima NPP at Pyhäjoki, Finland will be the first
ever nuclear plant located on the shore of an arctic sea. The movement
of ice is well-known to sailors on the sea, and must not be ignored by
the novice power company. If pack-ice blocks the cooling water intake,
there is no method to keep the reactor core cool and prevent a
disaster similar to Fukushima.

Read more:

19. Volunteers needed for the International Network Office
We are in the process of establishing an International Network Office
focusing on nuclear issues, but also being open for networking in
other political fields. After discussions and preparations for some
years, we have now the rooms for this project in the project house in
Döbeln (Saxony - Germany). Greenkids e.V., the grassroots organization
which once founded the "Nuclear Heritage Network", provides the space
and equipment for this networking project.

Now we are looking for people to volunteer with the network office.
Activities are the communication with anti-nuclear groups,
activists and interested people internationally to connect them with
each other, to help them to find speakers for events or experts on
certain topics. It's also about coordinating and helping with the
production of multilingual outreach material to promote local anti-
nuclear topics. Another field is the coordination or preparation of
gatherings for networking personally and to stay in touch and exchange
with each other.

If you are interested to contribute to this project with your
knowledge, experiences, donations or by volunteering, please write to
contact AT . We aim to have always at least two
or three volunteers from different countries in the office. Own
networking ideas and activities like traveling to other places and
joining projects there would be fitting quite well to this project.

Find out more:

20. Upper-Austria
Since a specific political agreement with greens in the regional
government of the province of Upper-Austria in 1997 there has been
developed a tradition of coordinating and financing anti-nuclear
work. The new responsible manager of the programme is with Ing.
Dalibor Stráský a Czech-born technician, who had studied
nuclear-physics and even started to work in the nuke-business, until
he soon changed sides and has now a long history of anti-nuclear
work. For 2012 there are around 320.000 € to be used by mainly
Austrian and Czech-NGOs working closely together. The existing ties
with nuclear critical tendences also in Slovakia will be for the
first time extended a bit to Slovenia too. One of the big tasks for
2012 is the international cooperation. So there will be a bigger
meeting in Linz in autumn, as has been already in 2009 with the so
called Anti-Nuclear European Forum.

see more:

21. New outreach material printed
We printed flyers for the Olkiluoto Blockade (English, German - for
download also in Finnish and Swedish), the Anti-nuclear Sailing Trip
(English, German - for  download also in Polish), posters with the
"Nuclear Scream", and several new language versions of atomic sites
(La Hague, Gorleben, Morsleben, Asse II, Schacht Konrad) as well as
background information on the search for a final repository in
Switzerland and a paper on uranium mining.

Besides that, we provide anti-nuclear stickers ("Nuclear Scream") and
a "Network DVD" with photos, documentaries and digital versions of the
materials mentioned above.

You can order these outreach materials having been produced for your
anti-nuclear work from the International Network Office, Am Bärental
6, D-04720 Ebersbach, Germany. Usually, we will ask for covering the
shipment costs and for a donation for the material, if possible.

22. Rosatom scraps ancient Chernobyl reactor project at Kursk: Right
    decision, wrong message
On the eve of the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, the
Russian State Nuclear Corporation Rosatom finally acknowledged
Chernobyl-type RBMK reactors are dangerous and no longer plans to
complete a decades-old reactor construction project at Kursk Nuclear
Power Plant (NPP). But when will this new, safety-minded Rosatom turn
its attention to the eleven aged RBMKs still in operation in Russia?

23. Nuclear on the move in Slovenia
In the field of nuclear power, there are two new developments in
Slovenia. One is the prolonging of the life-time of the existing
reactor from 2023 to 2043. The NPP operator awaits for the approval of
prolonging the life-time from the Authority for Nuclear Safety and is
highly likely to get it soon, as there seem to be no legal or safety
obstacles for not allowing the prolonging of the life-time of the
plant by 50 %.

The next new development is that with the new government, the Krško  
NPP is pressing hard to obtain energy permit for the second block,  
which is to be sited in Krško too.

24. Book on Atomic Threats Around the Baltic Sea
As a result of the 2010 info tour around the Baltic Sea a group of
people is now preparing and investigating to create a new book on
atomic threats around the Baltic Sea. It is supposed to become a kind
of reference book particularly on nuclear companies and facilities
providing a brief overview of the plant and technical data, offering
contacts to active anti-nuclear groups and providing links to the
websites of critics and the operators.

We need contributions from activists and experts from Belarus, Denmark,
Estonia, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and
Sweden. Most of the information available in the internet is provided
in the native languages, and it is easier for local people to
investigate in their mother tongue. The book will cover all nuclear
facilities and companies situated within the water shed of the Baltic
Sea. You find a map with the water shed on our project webpage. A
collection of all facilities we found so far is listed there, too.
Your contributions to the book, and also your participation in the
process of creating it, will be very welcome! Write to contact AT .

25. International anti-nuclear camp and network gathering in Saxony
From July 30 to August 3, 2012, an international anti-nuclear camp and
network gathering will take place in Döbeln (middle Saxony, Germany).
We invite you and your anti-nuclear friends to join us, get to know
each other, inform about atomic developments and anti-nuclear
activities in your region, for skill sharing and for networking.
We want to start new campaigns and actions as well as to strengthen
the international cooperation in already existing projects. From the
camp there will be a possibility to travel to the international
blockade and protest camp in Olkiluoto, Finland.

If you can help to prepare the programme, local arrangements or with
the construction of the camp during the months before the gathering
starts, you are very welcome. Please write us if you can contribute
or if you want to participate to contact AT .

26. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)

14/08/11-13/08/12: Gorleben 365 blockade campaign (D)
08/03/12-09/03/12: Global Conference: Nuclear Power For Africa?
10/03/12-11/03/12: Surround Hinkley Point NPP action (UK)
11/03/12:          Global Fukushima Action Day
12/03/12:          Demonstration against the Talvivaara uranium mine
                   in Helsinki (FIN)
16/03/12-18/03/12: Uranium, Health and Environment Conference in
                   Bamako (RMM)
Early 2012:        Protests against the CASTOR transports from Jülich
                   to Ahaus (D)
13/04/12-15/04/12: Spring conference of the German anti-nuclear
                   movement in Ahaus (D)
26/04/12:          Commemoration of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
26/04/12:          Demonstration against the Talvivaara uranium mine
                   in Sotkamo (FIN)
05/05/12-06/05/12: Hanhikivi Days against EON's NPP plans (FIN)
17/05/12-04/06/12: International Bike Action "nuclear weapon free now"
                   from Stuttgart (D) to Brussels (B)
22/05/12-25/05/12: Annual conference of the German atomic lobby in
                   Stuttgart (D)
28/06/12-14/07/12: 2nd International Uranium Film Festival for a
                   global Nuclear-Free Future in Rio de Janeiro
Summer 2012:       Walk for a Nuclear Free Future from Minnesota to
                   Buffalo (USA)
30/07/12-03/08/12: International Anti-nuclear Camp and Network
                   Gathering in Döbeln (D)
04/08/12:          Activists bus from Germany to the Olkiluoto
                   Blockade in Finland
06/08/12-13/08/12: Olkiluoto protest camp and blockade (FIN)
12/08/12-19/08/12: Lausitz Climate and Energy Camp in Jänschwalde (D)
26/08/12-09/09/12: Anti-nuclear Sailing Tour from Stockholm (SE) to
                   Greifswald (D)
29/09/12:          International Action Day to shut down nuclear
09/12/12-12/12/12: European Nuclear Conference of the nuclear industry
                   in Manchester (UK)

27. About NukeNews
The NukeNews are a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear
Heritage Network and are supposed to reflect the activities, topics
and struggles of anti-nuclear activists connected through this
international community. The messages are written and translated by
activists, additionally to their usual anti-nuclear activities. No
one is paid for that work, as we want to provide resources like this
information system to the anti-nuclear struggle as independent as
possible. The newsletter aims to inform and update as well activists
as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the next issue of the NukeNews are welcome.
Send them via email to news AT . It should
be brief information in English of not more than one paragraph,
including a concise headline and an optional link to a webpage
providing more information. Deadline for the 5th issue of the
NukeNews will be 20th of May, 2012.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: