PR:Will radioactive waste end up near Temelín and Dukovany NPPs?

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=> CZECH version of this press release

Press Release dated July 21, 2016

Will radioactive waste end up near Temelín and Dukovany NPPs?

ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE – the State's Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA) began to investigate other sites for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) for spent nuclear fuel - to the south of the Temelín nuclear power plant (ETE) and the west of the Dukovany nuclear power plant (EDU). In the center of the explored area called "ETE - South" with an area of 31 km2 there are municipalities of Dříteň, Libív a Nová Ves, and in close proximity there are municipalities of Jeznice, Chlumec, Velice, Malešice, Kočín a Knín[1]. In the explored area called "EDU - West" of 40 km2 there are municipalities of Lipník, Dolní Vilémovice, Zárubice, Ostašov a Klučov between Třebíč and Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou [2]

Within two years, a geological survey has to be carried out which should bring results such as a feasibility study including visualization of the siting of underground and surface parts of a GDF, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study and applications for the establishment of exploration areas for further geological surveys [3]. The main reason for seeking new sites - that were previously not preferred by geologists - is to gain a "greater understanding for the construction of future GDF" due to the existence of nuclear power plants in their area [4].

Last week Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek announced that he will propose to freeze geological surveys at five sites where they meet with sharp disapproval of municipalities and their citizens (Čihadlo near Lodhéřov in the Jindřichův Hradec District, Magdalena near Jistebnice in the Tábor District, Březový potok near Pačejov in the Klatovy District, Čertovka near Lubenec in the Louny District and Hrádek near Dolní Cerekev in the Jihlava District). He said that the siting selection process should continue only in the sites of Horka near Budišov in the Třebíč District and Kraví hora near Rožná in the Žďár nad Sázavou District [5], where the Minister "felt the political will" for a GDF. However, even mayors in Horka subsequently released their dissenting statement [6] and disagreement with this procedure came also from the Kraví hora site.

If in any of the current seven sites geological surveys will be conducted now, their results will not fully correspond to the results of the just launched geological surveys in both areas near nuclear power plants, because there there will be geological surveys, for which it is necessary to establish the exploration areas first, still in the preparation phase. It is also a completely different geological environment than has hitherto been described as appropriate for long-term stability - whereas today's sites are in granite bedrock, the two new sites are in gneiss.

Edvard Sequens of Calla said: "The best solution would be to stop all geological surveys everywhere so that a new Concept of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management could be first discussed and approved, criteria for the site selection process could be clearly defined and so that legislation could be amended, in particular that the new Act for strengthening the rights of municipalities in the siting process for a GDF could be passed."

Further information can be provided by:


  1. Map data for the ETE-South site:
  2. Map data for the EDU - West site:
  3. Commission Contract called „Evaluation of geological and other information about selected parts of the Czech Moldanubikum in terms of the potential suitability for siting a GDF" , with a described scope of works conducted by the Czech Geological Survey (in EDU - West) and AQUATEST Inc. (in ETE - south), see, which is at Calla's disposal.
  4. See the "Updated Concept of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management",
  5. For a more detailed description of sites go to:
  6. The declaration by the Mayors in the site of Horka dated July 17, 2016:
  7. For protection against automatic email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol and "DOT" by the dot-character (".").