PR:Public support for the expansion of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic is on the decrease
=> CZECH version of this press release
Press Release dated June 9, 2015
Public support for the expansion of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic is on the decrease
ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE – The CVVM survey that was just published in May 2015[1] shows that the Czech government plans to start preparations for new reactors at Dukovany and Temelín nuclear power plants have no support among the public. Only 22 % of respondents would like a larger share of nuclear energy, while only six people out of one hundred are “strongly” convinced of it. Since last May, government support for nuclear vision has also significantly decreased by 7%.
There are already two fifths (39%) of the Czech public against the expansion of Temelín NPP by the 3rd and 4th reactor. Here, too, support has been decreasing, as only 12% of people approve the aim “strongly”.
Edvard Sequens of Calla commented on the survey: "The government plans to build four new reactors and expand the share of nuclear energy to 50% are completely out of economic reality. Moreover, they do not have any support among the public, because people realize that they themselves would eventually have to pay heavily for the unprofitable investment."
- ↑ „Veřejnost o energetice – květen 2015“, Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění, Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i