PR:Municipalities and NGOs joined against Geological Disposal, they want to change the existing state’s approach

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=> CZECH version of this press release

Press release of the “Platform Against Deep Repository” dated October 4, 2016

Municipalities and NGOs joined against Geological Disposal, they want to change the existing state’s approach

Božejovice – Municipalities and Non-Governmental Organizations, effected by the siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) for spent nuclear fuel and other high-level waste and dissatisfied with the procedure of the accountable state institutions, have founded the “Platform Against Deep Repository” as their nonprofit organization on a voluntary basis. The aim of the Platform is to enforce such a way of finding a solution which would be open, transparent and which, by law, would sufficiently guarantee possibilities to defend municipality’s and the public‘s rightful welfare.

At the meeting which was held in Božejovice on 4th October 2016, the Platform’s members elected their spokepersons whose function will rotate among them every 6 months. The first spokesman became Petr Klásek (Mayor of the Chanovice village), he will be subsequently alternated by Jiří Popelka (Deputy Mayor of the Jistebnice town), by Petr Nohava (Deputy Mayor of the Pluhův Žďár village) and by Martin Schenk (Chairman of the Nechceme úložiště Kraví hora NGO). Currently, the Platform has 25 members (please see Annex) and others are expected to join.

Members of the “Platform Against Deep Repository” have pledged to enforce the following:

The wide societal debate about the problem of spent nuclear fuel and alternative ways of the radwaste management. Final GDF in the Czech Republic without a possibility of retrievability in the future does not need to be the safest way. Potentially, other alternatives could turn out as unrealistic or less secure or safe, but it is not advisable to settle for a situation when advantages and disadvantages of all alternatives have not yet been evenly compared and evaluated, and the only considered option under preparation is the final GDF based on the decision taken at the end of the last century. The preferred solution should have the least impact on the people’s prosperity and the environment.

Stopping current geological surveys under way and reassessment of the today’s siting process schedule. Exploration areas in seven sites were determined not only despite the view of municipalities and their citizens, but their selection was also based on the rapidly changing approaches of accountable institutions. The culprit to blame is outdated hectic schedule that does not guarantee that its objective is to select the best long-term secure site for highly radioactive waste. There must be clearly stated requirements for the final site in advance, as well as an agreed conceptual approach how to find and verify the final site.

Absolutely transparent and open process of finding solutions. All relevant documents must be publicly available, and subject to expert scrutiny and public debate. Procedures that serve for finding safe and acceptable solutions can not be concealed from the public.

The adoption of laws which ensure that the community and the public can effectively defend their legitimate rights in the siting process for a GDF for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Construction and operation of the facility where highly radioactive waste will be disposed of, will affect the lives of people living in the selected region considerably and practically forever. Given the exceptional nature of such a project, it is essential that residents in affected sites are able to express their consent with the facility’s implementation. This is a principle commonly used in many developed democratic countries. Also, (European) Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM requires that: “(...)Member States shall ensure that the public be given the necessary opportunities to participate effectively in the decision-making process regarding spent fuel and radioactive waste(...)”.

With these requirements representatives of the Platform will address responsible politicians, authorities, but also the public, and not only in the Czech Republic.

Petr Klásek, spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository, said: "The process of finding a solution to the problem is still under way and our citizens are still concerned."

Further information can be obtained from:

Also, see: .

Members of the Platform Against Deep Repository

Okrouhlá Radouň
Pluhův Žďár
Velký Bor

Bezjaderná vysočina
Calla – Association for Preservation of the Environment
Jaderný odpad, děkujeme nechceme
Nechceme úložiště Kraví hora
Severočeský OCELOT
SOS Lubenec
Zachovalý kraj
Za Radouň krásnější
Za záchranu kostela Sv. Jiljí
Zdravý domov Vysočina
2. Alternativa

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