PR:Long Play: Talvivaara Mining Company management been fully aware of the environmental problems since 2009
PRESS RELEASE - 2014/09/05
Long Play: Talvivaara Mining Company management been fully aware of the environmental problems since 2009
The considerable environmental- and water balance problems of the Talvivaara Mining Company have been known to the management of the company from the very beginning of the mining operations in 2009. The process used in the mine has never functioned the way it was hoped to do.The pipe constructions of the metal factory, launched in 2008, were partly a façade which, according to previous employees, was dismantled immediately after the launch.
This, and loads more of new information is unravelled by an article published by Long Play on September 1st Nopeammin, syvemmälle, tuhoisammin (eng. Faster, deeper, more pernicious). It has been written by investigative journalist Juha Kauppinen. 'Faster, deeper, more pernicious' is the first story, where the insiders of the mining company extensively share their knowledge. The article is based on both the interviews of Talvivaara employees, but also on the police pre-trial investigation material that was leaked into the hands of Kauppinen, which is not yet open for public. There is approximately 4 500 pages of police material and according to it, no less than 18 people are suspected of serious impairment of the environment. Most of the suspects are employees of Talvivaara Mining Company Plc.
Juha Kauppinen has worked on his article for Long Play for 5 months. Here's Kauppinens Talvivaara-story in ten tweets:
- The basic problems in Talvivaara have existed since 2009. The management, too, has been aware of the situation.
- National Forestry (fin. Metsähallitus) demands millions of euros of compensation from Talvivaara for the pollution of the water systems and the crash in the value of free-time plots.
- Concentrations of sulphate, sodium, manganese, nickel were high in Talvivaara already in 2009.
- The water balance of the gypsum pond which leaked in 2012 was critical for the first time as early as 2009.
- The launch of the Talvivaara factory in 2008 was a staged front. New fixtures were built later, according to a former high-level employee.
- Talvivaara exaggerated the volume of the first load of nickel in their stock exchange release, according to a former high-level employee.
- Pekka Perä has managed the mine through shouting and threatening dismissals.
- Cases of exposure to nickel among the Talvivaara employees have increased in recent years. Nickel is measured in urine samples.
- The basic problem of Talvivaara, a too low content of nickel in the process solution, has not been solved.
- Former high-level employees of Talvivaara do not believe in the company's success. They think the process of the mine is not functioning.