PR:Joint Press Release on the Government's Decision to Approve the Strategy for the Nuclear Energy Development

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=> CZECH version of this press release

Press Release by Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency (ALIES) and Calla - Association for Preservation of the Environment dated June 3, 2015

Joint Press Release on the Government's Decision to Approve the Strategy for the Nuclear Energy Development

Today the government has approved the National Action Plan for the Development of Nuclear Energy (NAP JE) in the Czech Republic. The plan allows for the preparation of four new reactors - two in Dukovany NPP and two in Temelín NPP. After approval of the updated State Energy Policy, this is the essential material, which paves the way for the construction of additional nuclear power sources in the Czech Republic. A critical problem, which the government sets aside for the future, is to ensure a meaningful economic project.

Martin Sedlák of ALIES says:"While the government justifies the construction of new reactors, it repeats the same trick as during the justification of the completion of the first two blocks at Temelín NPP. The argument of energy autonomy was absurd then, as it is absurd today. The Czech Republic annually exports more electricity than is produced in Temelín NPP, the shortage of electricity is no threat in the future either. Using the ideological aim to strengthen the nuclear power, the Ministry of Industry will pull the Czech Republic into the trap of subsidies amounting to tens of billions of CZK on an annual basis."

Edvard Sequens of Calla adds:"It is annoying that the Ministry of Industry does not pay more attention to strategies of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources. Genuine energy security and autonomy of the Czech Republic is difficult to imagine without the use of considerable potential for energy savings and locally available renewables. By the approval of the updated State Energy Policy and now the National Action Plan for the Development of Nuclear Energy as well, the government has opted for an expensive way which will significantly increase energy dependence of the country on imported resources."

You will find more detailed argumentation on NAP JE by ALIES, Calla and Hnutí DUHA in press release dated June 2, 2015.


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