NukeNews No. 26 - SLOVENIAN

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*    NukeNews #26 - Proti-jedrski informacijski servis     *

0.  Predgovor
Mednarodno proti-jedrsko akcijsko poletje v različnih  državah je
končano, bilo je veliko dogodkov in zbranih zainteresiranih ljudi ter
v različnih oblikah zavzeto stališče proti jedrski energiji. Eno od
srečanj je bil Mednaroni proti-jedrski kamp v Döbelnu, organiziran s
strani aktivistov mreže Nuclear Heritage Network, kjer smo
razpravljali tudi o NukeNews. Zbralo se je več kot 50 ljudi iz
trinajstih držav iz štirih kontinentov, ki so se med seboj spoznavali,
spoznavali bitke, s katerimi se soočajo drugi, analizirali različne
strategije ter načrtovali prihodnje aktivnosti.

V tej številki vas informiramo o novostih jedrskega razvoja na Češkem,
v Sloveniji in Kanadi ter objavljamo poročila nekaj proti-jedrskih
aktivistov iz Velike Britanije in Združenih držav. Če imate tudi vi
kakšne zanimive novice, poročila ali najave kampanj in akcij, nam to
sporočite. Več o tem na koncu glasila.

Povzetek NukeNews #26
0.  Predgovor
1.  Češka odgovornost za jedrsko škodo  v milijonih, namesto
2.  Češka: Laboratorij Bukov- raziskave o geoloških razmerah na
    neprimerni lokaciji
3.  Slovenija: Gradnja suhega skladišča za izrabljeno gorivo v JE
4.  Velika Britanija: posnetek konference "Ni potrebe po 
    jedrski energiji (No Need For Nuclear)"
5.  Velika Britanija: Pozor, jedrski vlaki vozijo darila
6.  UK: "The last radioactive particle has been picked up" from St
    Bees beach
7.  UK: Events to remember the 60th Anniversary of Windscale Fire of
    10th October 1957
8.  Canada: Further Delay of Decision on OPG's Nuclear Waste Burial
9.  Canadian federal government wants more information on impact of
    proposed nuclear-waste bunker near Indigenous community
10. Anti-nuclear updates from California
11. World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 released
12. Keep Space4Peace - USAF Croughton
13. Upcoming events
14. About NukeNews

1.  Češka odgovornost za jedrsko škodo  v milijonih, namesto
Operater CEZ je zavaroval svoje jedrske elektrarne pred škodo do 10
milijard kron, medtem ko se češka vlada izogiba v celoti zavarovati
prebivalce in podjetnike v okolici JE Dukovan in Temelin za primer
jedrske nesreče. Zgolj zaradi finančnih prihrankov? Kaj se skriva za
obnašanjem čeških institucij?

Preberite celoten članek:

2.  Češka: Laboratorij Bukov- raziskave o geoloških razmerah na
    neprimerni lokaciji
Češki nadzorni organ za radioaktivne odpadke (RAWRA) ne želi javno
objaviti tehnično-ekonomske študije o implementaciji raziskovalnega
programa v podzemnem raziskovalnem objektu Bukov. Tako javnost ne more
preveriti, ali je lokacija Bukov, ki se nahaja v nekdanjem rudniku
urana Dolní Rožínka, v regiji Vysočina, res primerna za raziskovalne
dejavnosti za globoko odlagališče. V avgustu 2017 je na to neprimerno
prakso že opozorila organizacija Calla.

Preberite celoten članek:

3.  Slovenija: Gradnja suhega skladišča za izrabljeno gorivo v JE
V Zvezi ekoloških gibanj Slovenije in Posavskem jedrskem lokalnem
partnerstvu so prepričani, da krška nuklearka pri načrtovanju gradnje
suhega skladišča izrabljenega jedrskega goriva nima vseh potrebnih
dovoljenj. Kot so zapisali v pismu, ki so ga naslovila na Ministrstvo
za okolje in prostor ter infrastrukturo, ne gre zgolj za varnostno
nadgradnjo, kot trdijo v jedrski elektrarni, temveč za nov jedrski
objekt, za katerega je potrebna "umestitev z državnim prostorskim
načrtom in celovit pristop skladno z zakonom o varstvu okolja".

JE Krško načrtuje gradnjo zgolj po zakonu o graditvi objektov.
Dodajajo: »Prav tako bi po našem mnenju morali ministrstvo, uprava za
jedrsko varnost in jedrska elektrarna Krško začeti vse postopke
pridobivanja družbene sprejemljivosti ter omogočiti prebivalcem
sodelovanje v skladu z Aarhuško konvencijo in konvencijo o presoji
čezmejnih vplivov na okolje«. Prehod na suho skladiščenje bo izvedla
ameriška družba Holtec, pogodbena vrednost znaša 68,3 milijona evrov.
Gradnja in prestavitev zabojnikov z izrabljenimi gorivnimi elementi,
ki bo potekala v dveh fazah, naj bi bila končana do leta 2028.

Več na:

4.  Velika Britanija: posnetek konference "Ni potrebe po 
    jedrski energiji (No Need For Nuclear)"
17. junija 2017 je v Londonu potekala konferenca "Ni potrebe po
jedrski energiji: obnovljivi viri so tukaj (No Need For Nuclear: The
Renewables Are Here)". Na voljo so posnetki vseh 16 govorcev ter
njihove predstavitve.

Povezava do video posnetkov:

5.  Velika Britanija: Pozor, jedrski vlaki vozijo darila
22. julija so se v Carlisleju britanski aktivisti iz iniciativ "Close
Capenhurst" in "Radiation Free Lakeland" udeležili odprtega dneva DRS
(Direct Rail Services). Priča so bili zavajanju podjetja, saj je
jasno, da njihovi vlaki prevažajo izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo in
radioaktivne materiale. DRS je bil ustanovljen leta 1994 s strani
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (preimenovano v Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority), z namenom železniškega prevoza radioaktivnega materiala.
DRS se je od takrat razširil tudi na druga področja, kot je prevoz

Več na:

6.  UK: "The last radioactive particle has been picked up" from St
    Bees beach
On 30th of July Cumbria Wildlife Trust held again an annual event
"Beached Art" for young children at St Bees beach encouraging them to
play for hours in this same sand where there are the most dangerous
radionuclides which should be kept separate from the biosphere.
This sand sculpture event organised by a trusted charity is not only
unethical but it is aiding and abetting the continuing tsumani of
radioactive wastes being dumped into the Irish Sea.

Radiation Free Lakeland point out that the Sellafield Annual Report
states that one of the last radioactive particles to be picked up from
St Bees was a tiny metal particle of Cobalt 60 which is a synthetic
radioactive isotope of cobalt with a half-life of 5.2714 years. It is
produced artificially in nuclear reactors. CWT insist that all
radioactive particles have been picked up from St Bees beach. However,
Sellafield themselves admit that their monitoring is limited, they do
not pick up all radioactive particles, monitoring stops over Easter,
Summer and Christmas in order not to frighten beach users.

Learn more:

7.  UK: Events to remember the 60th Anniversary of Windscale Fire of
    10th October 1957
9th October 1pm: Banner Making Event at Maple Farm with opportunity to
hear from nuclear activists about Preston’s key role in fueling the
Windscale Fire in Pile 1.

9th October 3.30 pm Vigil at Springfields (with freshly minted
banners!) outside the UK's nuclear fuel manufacturing plant just 5.5
miles from PNR fracking site.

10th October 11am in Keswick Town Centre. Vigil to remember the
Windscale Fire and the unnamed children and adults who have died (and
are dying) of radiation linked diseases as a result.

10th October approx. 2pm Laying an Autumn Wreath on the Windscale Fire
Memorial Plaque outside Sellafield.

10th October approx. 3pm meet at St Bridgets Church, Beckermet – site
visit to view the proposed Moorside plan within the shadow of the
still too dangerous to ‘decommission’ Windscale Pile 1 chimney.

More information:

8.  Canada: Further Delay of Decision on OPG's Nuclear Waste Burial
The federal Minister of the Environment and Climate has released a
letter to OPG with a third request for additional information. With
this request, the timeline for the reviews completion and the
Minister's decision has been suspended.

Read the complete article:

9.  Canadian federal government wants more information on impact of
    proposed nuclear-waste bunker near Indigenous community
Further information on how a proposed nuclear-waste bunker near Lake
Huron might affect area First Nations peoples is needed before the
government decides whether to approve the project.

Learn more:

10. Anti-nuclear updates from California
Other than the bay area's annual nuclear weapons action at Livermore
Labs, activists have been watching three legal cases in California and
the Trump administration's push to restart Yucca Mountain. The World
Business Academy's lawsuit to reverse the state's decision to extend
Diablo Canyon's lease of state's lands beyond 2018 failed (our last
chance to close it early). Diablo Canyon's Public Utilities Commission
process to close Diablo Canyon in 2024 is winding down, and attempts
to reverse the amount of money the owner of San Onofre wants for
closing the twin reactors is also in a legal quagmire. On 8-28 a judge
accepted a proposed settlement between a number of public interest
groups and the utility operating San Onofre, that the company would
move the reactors spent fuel inland to a safer location within five
years even though there is no repository - possibly to the Palos Verde
reactor in AZ. San Onofre is less than 50 miles from Los Angeles and
is near a number of active earthquake faults.

11. World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 released
12th of September, 2017, the new World Nuclear Industry Status Report
in the 2017 edition has been published. Independent nuclear
consultants Mycle Schneider and Antony Froggatt are the main authors
of this critical annual report that sketches the ongoing decline of
the global nuclear industry, that has been published every year since
2007. It is an important, if not the most relevant, study on the
development of commercial atomic reactors in the world. The authors
not only compare statistical data on constructions starts,
cancellations and closures, but analyze the economic situation of
nuclear operators and the atomic policies in several countries. While
the report shows again that the nuclear industry is in a financial
crisis and affordable prices on electricity produced by atomic power
plants remains an illusion, it also points out the rapid development
of the competing renewable energy installations.

Read the complete article:

12. Keep Space4Peace - USAF Croughton
Oxford CND have organised their annual Croughton demo as part of the
space4peace international week of actions against the militarisation
and nuclearisation of space. The March and Rally will take place on
Saturday 7th Oct and will include speakers: Dave Webb (CND), Paul
Mobbs (Croughton Watch), Nikki Clark (South West Against Nuclear) 

13. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

soon possible:     3rd Castor transport from Obrigheim NPP to
                   Neckarwestheim NPP (D)
28/09/17 5 PM:     Protest: No Nuclear War at Downing Street in London
30/09/17 12 PM:    rally "60 years Mayak atomic accident - nuclear
                   phaseout worldwide now" at Opernplatz in Hanover
30/09/17 2.30 PM:  Demonstration against the EPR at Place de la Mairie
                   in Saint Lo (F)
10/10/17-15/10/17: Uranium Film Festival in Berlin (D)
14/10/17 10 AM:    international conference "Confrontation or
                   cooperation? Nuclear abolition in dangerous times"
                   at Arlington Conference Centre, 220 Arlington Road,
                   in London (UK)
02/11/17-04/11/17: Antinuclear World Social Forum 2017 in Paris (F)
06/11/17-17/11/17: World Climate Summit and protests in Bonn (D)
27/11/17-30/11/17: ICOND 2017 - International Conference on Nuclear
                   Decommissioning 2017 in Aachen (D)

14. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 27th issue of
the NukeNews is 26th of November, 2017.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: