NukeNews No. 24 - GERMAN

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*           NukeNews #24 - Anti-Atom-Infodienst            

0.  Vorwort

Inhaltsverzeichnis der aktuellen NukeNews #24
1.  Slovenian Environmental Agency: No need for EIA for life time
    extension of Krško Nuclear power plant
2.  Deutschland: Ostermarsch in Gronau und Jülich
3.  Negotiations with foreign vendors on the construction of nuclear
    reactors in the Czech Republic
4.  Czech state stopped geological surveys and payment of financial
    compensation in 7 sites
5.  Auf dem Weg zum Weltsozialforum gegen Atomkraft 2017
6.  FoE Japan: National Policies Corner Victims - Six Years after the
    Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
7.  Anti-nuclear Summer Gathering with focus on uranium & new reactors
    / lifetime extensions

1.  Slovenian Environmental Agency: No need for EIA for life time
    extension of Krško Nuclear power plant
On 20 February 2017 the Slovenian Environmental Agency published its
conclusion of the EIA screening procedure for the life time extension
of Nuclear Power Plant Krško in which it concludes no EIA is needed.
The Agency conducted EIA screening procedure based on the information
provided by a group of environmental NGOs showing that in 2012 Nuclear
Safety Administration extended the time of Krško NPP operation from 40
to 60 years.

In the screening procedure the Agency consulted several competent
authorities which all believe 20 more years of Krško NPP operations
will not have any environmental impacts. Based on those opinions the
decision for no EIA was adopted. On 6 March 2017 a group of
environmental NGOs (Focus, PIC, Umanotera, SE-F) appealed against
negative EIA screening decision, listing, among others, breach of
Aarhus and Espoo Convention as reason.

2.  Deutschland: Ostermarsch in Gronau und Jülich
Mehrere Gruppen rufen für Karfreitag, 14. April, zu einem
überregionalen Ostermarsch in Gronau und Jülich auf. Die Demonstration
beginnt um 13:00 Uhr vor dem Gronauer Bahnhof und endet an der
Urananreicherungsanlage. Von dort aus transportiert ein Shuttlebus die
Teilnehmenden zum Bahnhof zurück. Um 14:00 Uhr beginnt eine Mahnwache
am Forschungszentrum Jülich vor dem Haupttor des
Zentrifugenunternehmens ETC, eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens von
Urenco und Areva. Durch die Lieferung von Zentrifugen entwickelt und
fördert ETC Wissen über die Urananreicherung und bietet so auch die
Möglichkeit einer militärischen Nutzung.

Angesichts der jüngsten Debatten über den geplanten Betriebsbeginn
eines riesigen Uranmüll-Lagers in Gronau, während gleichzeitig
Politiker*innen über eine mögliche Schließung der
Urananreicherungsanlage diskutieren, aber auch angesichts
internationaler Rufe nach einer atomaren Wiederaufrüstung sind die
Aktionen in Gronau und Jülich von großer Bedeutung.

Weitere Informationen:

3.  Negotiations with foreign vendors on the construction of nuclear
    reactors in the Czech Republic
Based on the comments from communities and associations, the Ministry
of the Environment (MŽP) has decided not to extend the validity period
of exploration permits for geological work by two years in relation to
the siting process for a deep repository, as Radioactive Waste
Repository Authority (SÚRAO/RAWRA) had demanded.The reason was that
the validity of exploration permits expired on December 31, 2016 and
SÚRAO submitted its request for extension late. This means that from
1st January 2017 SÚRAO must not perform any previously accepted
geological work in the sites.

Read the complete article:

4.  Czech state stopped geological surveys and payment of financial
    compensation in 7 sites
Between January 26 and February 10, 2017, consultations took place
with six contenders for the construction of reactors in the country.
The vendors are companies as follows: ATMEA (joint project of
Mitsubishi and AREVA NP), China General Nuclear Power Corporation,
AREVA NP / Electricité de France, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
(subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Corporation), Rosatom State
Atomic Energy Corporation (Russia) and Toshiba / Westinghouse Electric
Company (USA).

Negotiations preceded to tender, without which the Czech Republic
(unlike Hungary) will not build the generation 3+ reactors, but which
has yet to be announced. Firstly, the Czech Republic wants to seek a
waiver from the European Union because it does not want to apply the
Public Procurement Act to its fullest extent.

Read the complete article:

5.  Auf dem Weg zum Weltsozialforum gegen Atomkraft 2017
Seit dem ersten Weltsozialforum (WSF) in Porto Allegre 2001 ist die
Antiglobalisierungsbewegung gewachsen und stärker geworden. Mehrere
WSF haben stattgefunden: in Lateinamerika, in Asien, in Afrika und im
August 2016 in Nordamerika. Neue Themen haben die Dynamik bereichert.
2013 und 2015 waren Atomangelegenheiten Thema mehrerer Workshops, und
im Frühjahr 2016 wurde in Tokio das erste Sozialforum gegen Atomkraft
veranstaltet, bei dem der "Aufruf für ein Netzwerk für eine Welt ohne
Atomkraft" veröffentlicht wurde. In Montréal fand im Rahmen des WSF
das zweite Forum gegen Atomkraft statt. Da Frankreich das im
Verhältnis zur Anzahl der Einwohner*innen am stärksten nuklearisierte
Land der Welt ist, fanden französische Anti-Atom-Organisationen es
wichtig, das nächste WSF gegen Atomkraft in Frankreich zu
veranstalten: Es findet vom 2. bis zum 4. November in Paris statt.

Den vollständigen Artikel gibt es hier:

6.  FoE Japan: National Policies Corner Victims - Six Years after the
    Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Six years after March 11 2011, the accident remains unresolved and we
continue to face the consequences of a prolonged and unprecedented
nuclear disaster. The consequences are complicated and diverse. Due to
the wide spread radiation contamination, the lives of those who once
lived with blessings of nature were lost and in many areas,
dramatically altered. The countless consequences include: loss of
livelihood and purposes of life, living in cramped temporary
evacuation shelters, dividing families and communities, health risks
and growing anxieties, bullying and prejudice in the evacuation
destinations... and the list goes on. In such a situation, national
policy which encourages the evacuees to return to their home under the
name of “reconstruction” corners victims of the nuclear disaster.

Read the complete statement:

7.  Anti-nuclear Summer Gathering with focus on uranium & new reactors
    / lifetime extensions
As already announced, an international camp will take place from July
17-23, 2017 in Döbeln, Germany. So far, more than 40 people from 15
countries have announced their participation. We expect that some
60-100 organizers, activists and other interested people will come
together this summer to get to know each other, inform about nuclear
issues in their regions, campaigns and actions and to strengthen the
network of anti-nuclear groups and initiatives. Two focus topics have
been selected: the uranium chain, which also connects all nuclear
topics to each other, and the construction of new reactors or
extension of lifetime of aging nuclear power plants.

Particularly in these two main fields representatives of organizations
working on these topics will share knowledge about atomic facilities,
companies and politics. They will present their campaigns and projects
and are seeking for new cooperations with other groups and activists
to improve the movement's capabilities to fight the global nuclear
industry. If you want to participate, please register at
"summercamp AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". Learn more on the camp















