NukeNews No. 17 - CROATIAN

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*     NukeNews #17 - Anti-nuklearni informativni servis    *

0.  Predgovor
Dobrodošli na stranice ovogodišnjeg proljetnog izdanja NukeNewsa! Među
ostalim novostima donosimo: Unatoč opasnom sukobu Rusije i Ukrajine,
Rosatom će kontrolirati najnoviji nuklearni projekt u Finskoj, jer je
najveći dioničar u operativnoj kompaniji Fennovoima i pokriva najveći
dio konstrukcijskih troškova. Međutim, financijski rizik snose ruski
umirovljenici, jer novac za financiranje dolazi iz ruskog mirovinskog

Skandal je izazvao i pokušaj da članovi britanske vlade ucjene
austrijsku vladu kako ne bi poduzela pravne korake protiv Europske
komisije koja odobrava veliku financijsku potporu projektu reaktora
Hinkley Point C u Velikoj Britaniji.

Uz to donosimo poruke iz Poljske i Češke te dobre vijesti naših
antinuklearnih prijatelja iz Švedske. Ali, iz Fukušime ne stižu dobre
vijesti - četiri godine nakon katastrofe tamo se značajno povećao broj
djece oboljele od raka štitnjače.

Sadržaj NukeNews izdanja #17
0.  Predgovor
1.  Nuklearka Fennovoima financirat će se iz ruskog mirovinskog fonda
2.  Fukušima: Upozorenje Tepcu zbog ispuštanja kontaminirane tricijske
3.  Podcijenjeni troškovi za globalnu nuklearnu dekomisiju mogli bi
    vrtoglavo narasti
4.  Sat sudnjega dana najbliže ponoći od 1984
5.  Kanada: Tko će ustati protiv tajnovitosti?
6.  U nenuklearnoj Kaliforniji održana konferencija o zatvaranju
    kanjona Diablo
7.  Izgradnja nuklearnog postrojenja u Poljskoj: Otkazan ugovor
8.  Poljski program zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada tema debate IAEA
    i MoE
9.  Konzultacije o odlaganju nuklearnog otpada blizu Černobila prošle
10. Češka vizija atomskog stanja
11. Šumski požari mogli bi probuditi černobilsku radijaciju
12. Tekući nuklearni otpad na sjevernoameričkim autocestama
13. Are We Prepared for a Catastrophic Solar Storm?
14. Situation in Pyhäjoki, NPP project of Fennovoima
15. No new nuclear power in Sweden
16. British reprisals against Austrian Government?
17. Indigenous people to give way to mining
18. Australia: proposed uranium mine at Kintyre approved
19. South Australia announces royal commission in to nuclear industry
20. 117 children in Fukushima suspected of having thyroid cancer
21. Cultural Resistance Party @ Gorleben 22 May 2015
22. Upcoming events
23. About NukeNews

1.  Nuklearka Fennovoima financirat će se iz ruskog mirovinskog fonda
Sredinom siječnja objavljena je odluka ruske vlade da će se izgradnja
finskog nuklearnog postrojenja Fennovoima u Pyhäjoki financirati iz
ruskog mirovinskog fonda koji osigurava sredstva za isplatu mirovina.
Odluka je donesena 30. prosinca prošle godine, a prema dokumentu koji
je objavljen 16. siječnja 2015. u izgradnju najnovije finske nuklearke
uložit će se do 2,4 milijarde eura. U tom projektu sudjeluju ruske
nuklearne kompanije Atomenergoprom i Rusatom s udjelom od 34 %. Ruski
Rosatom preuzeo je dionice EON-a  nakon što se njemački nuklearni div
zbog pritiska javnosti povukao iz projekta.

Fennovoima je pod vremenskom pritiskom, jer gradnja mora početi prije
srpnja 2015. U suprotnom projekt nije valjan i potrebna je nova
odluka parlamenta.

O nuklearki Fennovoima saznajte više na:

2.  Fukušima: Upozorenje Tepcu zbog ispuštanja kontaminirane tricijske
Japanski nuklearni nadzornik pozvao je tokijsko elektroprivredno
udruženje Tepco da riješi problem ispuštanja niskoradioaktivne teške
vode iz fukušimskog nuklearnog postrojenja Daiichi u ocean. Tepco je
pohranjivao vodu kontaminiranu superteškim vodikom u oko tisuću
spremnika, ali im ponestaje prostora.

3.  Podcijenjeni troškovi za globalnu nuklearnu dekomisiju mogli bi
    vrtoglavo narasti
Do 2040. godine treba u cijelom svijetu ugasiti dvjesto od 434 aktivna
reaktora. Troškovi njihove razgradnje procijenjeni su na više od sto
milijardi dolara, no mnogi stručnjaci diljem svijeta smatraju da je ta
brojka premalena, jer nisu uračunani troškovi odlaganja i dugoročnog
skladištenja otpada koji variraju ovisno o reaktoru i zemlji gdje se

4.  Sat sudnjega dana najbliže ponoći od 1984
Simboličan sat sudnjega dana pomaknuo se na tri minute do ponoći zbog
gomilanja opasnosti od klimatskih promjena i nuklearne proliferacije,
signalizirajući najozbiljniju prijetnju čovječanstvu još od doba
hladnog rata. Globalni napori da se smanji nuklearni arsenal usporili
su se od 2009. godine i sad sve nuklearne sile proširuju svoje
reaktorske i vojne programe.

5.  Kanada: Tko će ustati protiv tajnovitosti?
Zadnje što treba stanovnicima Ontarija je još jedan tajni energetski
posao. Jedini način da se osigura potpisivanje ugovora vrijednog od 60
do 111 milijardi kanadskih dolara za obnovu ostarjelih reaktora je
potpuni pregled energetskog plana države Ontario. Je li to zaista
najbolje rješenje energetskih potreba?

6.  U nenuklearnoj Kaliforniji održana konferencija o zatvaranju
    kanjona Diablo
Aktivisti iz cijele zemlje, iz Washingtona, japanske Fukušime i drugih
gradova došli su na konferenciju pod nazivom Nuclear free California -
zemlja bez nuklearne energije, koja je održana 24. i 25. siječnja u
gradu San Luis Obispo. Tema konferencije bila je zatvaranje reaktora u
kanjonu Diablo, posljednjeg u toj sunčanoj zemlji.

Stari reaktor nalazi se u zoni tsunamija među brojnim rasjedima
uzrokovanim potresima za koje se nije znalo pri konstrukciji. Potresi
mogu uzrokovati udare koje konstrukcija reaktora ne bi mogla podnijeti.
Tako tvrdi dr. Michael Peck, bivši glavni inspektor NRC-a, nuklearne
komisije za regulaciju kanjona Diablo. NRC je  premjestio dr. Pecka u
drugu ustanovu, jer je napisao da reaktor treba ugasiti te da će biti
veliki izazov natjerati NRC da nešto uradi po tom pitanju.

Cijeli članak pročitaj na:

7.  Izgradnja nuklearnog postrojenja u Poljskoj: Otkazan ugovor
Sestrinska tvrtka državne kompanije PGE - PGE EJ1 zadužena za
konstrukciju prvog poljskog nuklearnog postrojenja poništila je 22.
XII. 2014. ugovor s WorleyPearsonsom, vrijedan  253 milijuna poljskih
zlota, koji je trebao izraditi okolišnu i geološku studiju. PGE EJ1
obrazlaže da je ugovor poništen zbog neispunjavanja obveza i kašnjenja
te tvrdi da preuzima izradu karakterizacije terena, oslanjajući se na
izvore PGE Capital grupe u suradnji s državnim kooperantima koji su
već uključeni u projekt.

Poljske dnevne novine Rzeczpolita izvijestile su kako je poljska
agencija za nacionalnu sigurnost ABW već upozorila PGE da je
WorleyPearsosns nekada bio usko povezan s ruskim kompanijama, što može
ugroziti sigurnost projekta.

8.  Poljski program zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada tema debate IAEA
    i MoE
Od 3. do 5. veljače 2015. u Varšavi je održan sastanak poljskog
ministra ekonomije i stručnjaka IAEA. Glavne teme bile su skica
programa za zbrinjavanje radioaktivnog otpada i opći poljski nuklearni
program. MoE tvrdi da je agencija oba dokumenta ocijenila vrlo visokom
ocjenom. Mediji koji prate nuklearnu industriju opisali su to kao da
stručnjaci IAEA pomažu oko problematike nuklearnog otpada u Poljskoj.


9.  Konzultacije o odlaganju nuklearnog otpada blizu Černobila prošle
Sredinom studenoga 2014. Ukrajina je obavijestila poljsko ministarstvo
okoliša da planiraju graditi odlagalište za nuklearni otpad i
potrošeno nuklearno gorivo jedanaest kilometara od  nuklearne
elektrane Černobil. To je objavljeno na Espoo konvenciji, a izlagač
tijekom javne rasprave nije primio nikakve komentare, jer o tomu nije
bila obaviještena javnost. To se pročulo tek sredinom siječnja kad je
zamjenik ministra Piotr Otawsky preko medija umirivao strahove pričom
da će za razliku od ostalih RW-ova odlagališta imati samo lokalni
utjecaj. Rekao je i da se tim projektom poštuju stroge međunarodne

10. Češka vizija atomskog stanja
Tek kad je češka vlada u travnju odbila zajamčiti dugotrajan povratak
na projekt novih reaktora kod Temlina i kada je ČEZ završio s izborom
ponuđača, ministri industrije i financija dobili su zadatak razraditi
strategiju za napredak nuklearki u Češkoj. Stvaranje strategije prošlo
je u tajnosti, a nedavno je dana na procjenu drugim ministarstvima pod
nazivom Nacionalni plan akcije za razvoj nuklearne energije u Češkoj.
Sama činjenica da je ministarstvima dano samo pet dana da se izjasne o
prijedlogu koji će utjecati na budućnost Češke u cijelom stoljeću
poziva na oprez. Osim toga,  prijedlog se referira na nacionalnu
energetsku politiku koja još nije prihvaćena.

Pročitajte više:

11. Šumski požari mogli bi probuditi černobilsku radijaciju
Nad Europom bi se mogli opet nadviti radioaktivni oblaci. Kao uzrok
tomu spominju se sve češći veliki požari u gustim ukrajinskim šumama
blizu Černobila i u Bjelorusiji, jer vatra oslobađa radijaciju
zaključanu u gornjim slojevima tla.

12. Tekući nuklearni otpad na sjevernoameričkim autocestama
Amerikanci planiraju preseliti 23.000 litara tekućeg visokoobogaćenog
uranijevog nitrata s područja rijeke Chalk u istočnom Ontariju na novo
privremeno odlagalište u području rijeke Savannah u Južnoj Karolini.
Nešto takvo se dosad još nije dogodilo, a evo zašto je to loša ideja i
koja su rješenja sigurnija:

13. Are We Prepared for a Catastrophic Solar Storm?
Within weeks, backup generators at nuclear power plants would have run
down, and the electric pumps that supply water to cooling ponds, where
radioactive spent fuel rods are stored, would shut off. Multiple
meltdowns would ensue.

14. Situation in Pyhäjoki, NPP project of Fennovoima
Fennovoima recently gained ownership of almost all of the land and
water body around the Hanhikivi peninsula. In a chaotic meeting that
took place on January 31st, 2015, the participants' association of
Parhalahti (with more than 200 members/land owners), that owned most
of the land and water body, decided to accept the purchase offer by
Fennovoima. However, the meeting was so chaotic and possibly even
illegal, that the deeds have not been signed yet.

Read the complete article:,_NPP_project_of_Fennovoima

15. No new nuclear power in Sweden
No new nuclear power plants will be built in Sweden. In autumn 2014
the Swedish government decided that state owned Vattenfall would stop
planning for a new reactor. Vattenfall stopped working on the project,
but did not withdraw the application it had earlier sent to the
National Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). On January 23rd, SSM
informed that it had decided to stop working on Vattenfalls
application for a new reactor. According to Swedish Radio and other
news channels, this means that the idea of building new nuclear power
in Sweden has been stopped completely.

Antinuclear Groups welcome this decision. On the other hand, no
deadline has been given for when Sweden intends to close its old
reactors that are still in operation, and which continue to be a huge
security threat.


16. British reprisals against Austrian Government?
Austria's federal government informed that it would take legal steps
against the decision of the EU, according to which it would be
possible for the British government, to financially support the
construction of new NPPs - like it is planned at Hinkley Point through
a contract-for-difference scheme.

English NGOs praised Austria's position and even sent frightening
photos from Sellafield to Vienna, published in the magazine "The
Ecologist". Also the German producer of green electricity EWS-Schönau
supports this attempt with an international campaign, already
supported by more than 50.000 people.

British Prime Minister David Cameron was "not very pleased", it
seemed, when Austria's Chancellor wanted to explain the position of
his country during a recent meeting. On the contrary, from diplomatic
circles some information was leaking, that London was preparing
systematic steps against Austria's government. Austria's chancellor
Werner Faymann's answer: "There is no way to threaten us and I very
much hope, that this is a kind of misunderstanding".

In fact, the real problem lies in the United Kingdom, since most of
the more than 20 Billion € of planned financial support (plus 35
years of guaranteed feed-in-tariffs), will have to be paid by the
British consumers. So maybe the British public should start to
threaten its government, before it will be too late.

17. Indigenous people to give way to mining
The Dene First Nations in La Loche, north west Saskatchewan, are being
squeezed out of their traditional territory by uranium ore discoveries
on one side and the expanding tar sands on the other. The provincial
government has enacted policies to force the Dene from their lands.

18. Australia: proposed uranium mine at Kintyre approved
In early spring the Western Australian Environment Minister approved
the proposed uranium mine at Kintyre in Western Australia. This mine
is owned by Cameco and we are looking for International support. A
unique desert ecosystem that was excised from the Karlamilyi National
Park to allow mining. The Federal Environment Minister now decides the
fate of WA's largest National Park and the surrounding Aboriginal
Martu communities who are under threat from the proposed Kintyre
uranium mine. 

We need your help to get the word out- please share this short video
from the Parnngurr community who are fighting against the uranium
proposal – and to send a message to Minister Greg Hunt. Your support
in getting this message out is so important – especially to the
communities facing the threat.


19. South Australia announces royal commission in to nuclear industry
The Royal Commission into uranium in South Australia will only
distract us from the urgent need to shift to clean, green energy
sources, and it runs against global trends away from nuclear power,
writes Dave Sweeney and Jim Green.

More info at:

20. 117 children in Fukushima suspected of having thyroid cancer
On February 12, 2015, the Oversight Committee for Fukushima Prefecture
Health Management Survey held a meeting. According to the committee,
the total number of children suspected of thyroid cancer reached 117.
Of them, 86 already went through surgery and were confirmed to have
suffered thyroid cancer. Since April 2014, the second round of medical
examination has been conducted on 75,311 children. 8 of them had shown
"no abnormality" at the first round, but they were newly suspected of
thyroid cancer after the second round. One of them went through
surgery and indeed had thyroid cancer.

21. Cultural Resistance Party @ Gorleben 22 May 2015
Castor transports to Gorleben are over? Not at all! It's only a period
of strategical calmness and transport pause. At the moment, the final
repository of Gorleben is continuing to be built at Berlin. The "Final
Disposal Commission" is doing their work. Nothing new, but still
everybody is talking about Gorleben, as the only known place in

We are still not patient! We want to meet you all!! We want to have a
big  Cultural Resistance Party together at the Gorleben nuclear site.
It'll be in the middle of "Kulturelle Landpartie", visited by 50,000
people since more than 20 years, having an insight to the life of
Wendland people, craftspeople, artists, musicians.... this 22. May
there's gonna be a big event: many market stalls, three stages, food
and drinks, information!! We want to meet you, to talk to you, to plan
new actions, to ensure each other, as soon as necessary, we will stand
all together and spit into the soup of the atomic  state. Come and

22. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events:

Please feel free to send us your local and international events for
this website and the NukeNews!

01/06/14-June '15: "Bure 365" - decentralized actions against nuclear
                   waste repository in Bure (F)
21/03/15:          CND Battle of the Bands & Poster Art Competition at
                   the Red Brick Building in Glastonbury (UK)
21/03/15 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Bahnhofsallee 7, in Göttingen (D)
24/03/15 10.30 AM: manifestation against EU Commission's Hinkley Point
                   C subsidies decision at Berlaymont building,
                   Schuman Square, in Brussels (B)
24/03/15 2 PM:     International conference on the radioactive waste
                   in Denmark at parliament, The Common Hall
                   (Fællessalen), Christiansborg, in Copenhagen (DK)
26/03/15-29/05/15: Büchel65 - 65 days of blockades] at atomic weapons
                   site Büchel (D)
26/03/15:          SSM seminar on National Plan for all radioactive
                   waste in Stockholm (S)
28/03/15-29/03/15: uranium transports working meeting at
                   Naturfreundehaus, Kapellenstr. 9a, in Köln-Kalk (D)
30/03/15-25/04/15: Walk For A Nuclear Free Future from the Nuclear
                   Facility Oakridge, TN to the UN building New York,
                   NY (USA)
30/03/15 10.45 AM: Easter action against E.on giant's tricky splitting
                   up to get rid of their tiresome atomic waste
                   section outside E.on headquarters, Eon-Platz 1, in
                   Düsseldorf (D)
31/03/15 9.30 AM:  appeal from first instance against 2010 Lubmin
                   Castor transport blockade lock-on activists at
                   District Court in Stralsund (D)
03/04/15 11.57 AM: Easter peace march "Urenco-Verkauf stoppen: Keine
                   Weiterverbreitung von Atomwaffentechnologie!" at 
                   Urenco uranium enrichment facility, main gate,
                   Röntgenstr. 4, in Gronau (D)
04/04/15 10.30 AM: Scrap Trident: "Bairns not Bombs" nationwide demo
                   at George Square in Glasgow (UK)
13/04/15:          Big Blockade of Faslane nuclear submarines base
14/04/15-16/04/15: World Uranium Summit in Québec City (CDN)
14/04/15 1.30 PM:  trial against climbing activist due to an action
                   during 2013 energy transition rally at Local Court
                   Tiergarten, room 1002, in Berlin (D)
15/04/15-25/04/15: International Uranium Film Festival in Quebec City
23/04/15 10 AM:    RWE shareholders' meeting at Grugahalle,
                   Norbertstr. 2, in Essen (D)
24/04/15-25/04/15: International Peace & Planet Conference a
                   Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable World
                   in New York City (USA)
25/04/15-01/05/15: European Action Weeks For A Future After Chernobyl
                   And Fukushima
26/04/15:          mass rally outside Fessenheim NPP (F)
26/04/15:          Peace & Planet rally and march in New York City
27/04/15 1.30 PM:  Global Wave 2015: Wave Goodbye to Nukes
29/04/15:          EnBW shareholders' meeting at Stadthalle,
                   Kongresszentrum, in Karlsruhe (D)
05/05/15-07/05/15: Atomforum: Jahrestagung Kerntechnik at Estrel
                   Convention Center in Berlin (D)
07/05/15 10 AM:    E.on shareholders' meeting at Grugahalle,
                   Norbertstr. 2, in Essen (D)
12/05/15-15/05/15: "Innovation in the Third Millennium" nuclear
                   conference at Delta Winnipeg hotel, 350 St Mary
                   Ave, in Winnipeg, Manitoba (CDN)
19/05/15:          Nuclear Energy Conference 2015 at Redoutensäle im
                   Promenadenhof in Linz (A)
22/05/15 at 2 PM:  cultural resistance party with citizens' initiative
                   & Kulturelle Landpartie organizers at atomic
                   facilities in Gorleben (D)
26/05/15-27/05/15: 2015 European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Plenary
                   Meeting in Prague (CZ)
08/06/15-11/06/15: 20th International Conference on Radionuclide
                   Metrology and its Applications in Vienna (A)
08/06/15-21/06/15: anti-nuclear Better Power! camp in Pyhäjoki (FIN)
12/07/15-16/07/15: Health Physics Society 60th Annual Meeting in
                   Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
14/08/15-16/08/15: Solarfestival at TS, Dorfstr. 78, in Salzwedel-
                   Riebau (D)
16/08/15-19/09/15: Walkatjurra Walkabout - Walking for Country from
                   Wiluna to Leonora (AU)
09/09/15-11/09/15: World Nuclear Symposium 2015 in London (UK)
19/09/15 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
25/04/16-01/05/16: European Action Weeks For A Future After Chernobyl
                   And Fukushima
01/09/16-30/11/16: main hearing on the Environmental Court on SKB's
                   application to build KBS3 final nuclear waste
                   repository at District Court in Nacka (S)
2017:              (probably) Castor transport of high level
                   radioactive waste from Sellafield (UK) and of
                   intermediate level radioactive waste from La Hague
                   (F) to Gorleben (D) and protests!_camp

23. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"news AT NukeNews DOT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be
very brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one
paragraph. We need a concise headline for your article, and you can
add a link to a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the
18th issue of the NukeNews is 24th of May, 2015.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: