Atomic Threats Around the Baltic Sea book project/Minutes Skype conference on 12th of September 2013

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Minutes Skype conference September 12th, 2013 at 8 PM

B.[1] will do promotion of the meeting for Lithuania. ->done

preparing the attic, buying food, clarifying who will come, borrowing a car to pick up participants from the station (jobs divided and being done).

B.[1] will prepare proposal for the schedule of the meeting.

A.[1] will prepare a press release, which will be discussed and sent on Sunday.

In atomicbaltic email (in drafts) we will save Skype contacts of the people who said they will join Skype conference on Saturday, September 21st 19h CET.

Next Skype conference – Wednesday, 18th of September, 20h CET.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 For protection of privacy of the persons involved, instead of real names only acronyms in form of capital letters starting with "A." are used in these minutes of the meeting.