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Line 28: Line 28:
  4.  Međunarodni aktivistički kamp: Zaustavimo novu američku nuklearnu
  4.  Međunarodni aktivistički kamp: Zaustavimo novu američku nuklearnu
  5.  Anti-nuclear Summer Gathering with focus on uranium & new reactors
  5.  Njemačka: Ljetno antinuklearno okupljanje
    / lifetime extensions
  6.  France: Festival Les Bure'lesques
  6.  France: Festival Les Bure'lesques
  7.  Germany: Easter March in Gronau and Jülich
  7.  Germany: Easter March in Gronau and Jülich
Line 116: Line 115:
  5.  Anti-nuclear Summer Gathering with focus on uranium & new reactors
  5.  Njemačka: Ljetno antinuklearno okupljanje
    / lifetime extensions
  As already announced, an international camp will take place from July
  Za međunarodni kamp koji će se održati od 17. do 23. srpnja u Döbelnu
17-23, 2017 in Döbeln, Germany. So far, more than 40 people from 15
  dosad je najavilo sudjelovanje više od 40 ljudi iz petnaest zemalja.
  countries have announced their participation. We expect that some
  Očekujemo da će se okupiti stotinjak organizatora, aktivista i ostalih
  60-100 organizers, activists and other interested people will come
  kako bi se upoznali i informirali jedni druge o nuklearnim pitanjima,
  together this summer to get to know each other, inform about nuclear
  kampanjama i akcijama iz svojih regija te da ojačaju mrežu
  issues in their regions, campaigns and actions and to strengthen the
  antinuklearnih grupa i inicijativa. Izabrane su dvije glavne teme:
  network of anti-nuclear groups and initiatives. Two focus topics have
  uranski lanac, koji povezuje sve nuklearne teme te rok trajanja i
been selected: the uranium chain, which also connects all nuclear
  starenje nuklearnih postrojenja.  
  topics to each other, and the construction of new reactors or
  extension of lifetime of aging nuclear power plants.
  Particularly in these two main fields representatives of organizations
  Predstavnici organizatora koji rade u ta dva područja podijelit će
  working on these topics will share knowledge about atomic facilities,
  svoje znanje o nuklearnim ustanovama, kampanjama i politici.
  companies and politics. They will present their campaigns and projects
  Prezentirat će svoje kampanje i projekte u potrazi za novim
  and are seeking for new cooperations with other groups and activists
  suradnicima iz redova antinuklearnih grupa što će pridonijeti jačanju
  to improve the movement's capabilities to fight the global nuclear
  borbe s globalnom nuklearnom industrijom. Želite li sudjelovati,
industry. If you want to participate, please register at
  registrirajte se na summercamp AT nuclear-heritage DOT net.
  "summercamp AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". Learn more on the camp
Više saznajte na internetskim stranicama:

Revision as of 18:37, 26 July 2017

NukeNews: Croatian | Czech | English | French | German | Polish | Russian | Slovenian

*     NukeNews#24 – Antinuklearni  informativni servis     *

0.  Predgovor
Pred nama je ljeto antinuklearnih aktivnosti. Doduše, ovaj poziv malo
kasni pa ćemo se osvrnuti na događaje koji će ispuniti sredinu godine.
Uskrsni marš je prošao, Taj dan se u Gronau okupilo otprilike 250
ljudi iz Belgije, Nizozemske i Njemačke okupilo te još 50 prosvjednika
kod nuklearnih postrojenja u Jülichu. U članku br. 7 možete više
saznati o toj temi. Osim toga, ovaj NukeNews izvješćuje o najnovijim
nuklearnim politikama u Češkoj, Francuskoj, Japanu, Rusiji i
Sloveniji. Vaši komentari na NukeNews su dobrodošli, a kontakt je
dostupan na kraju ovog e-maila.

Sadržaj NukeNews#24
0.  Predgovor
1.  Poziv na međunarodno antinuklearno akcijsko ljeto
2.  Gorleben: Party kulturnog otpora
3.  Lančana reakcija Tihange
4.  Međunarodni aktivistički kamp: Zaustavimo novu američku nuklearnu
5.  Njemačka: Ljetno antinuklearno okupljanje
6.  France: Festival Les Bure'lesques
7.  Germany: Easter March in Gronau and Jülich
8.  Slovenian Environmental Agency: No need for EIA for life time
    extension of Krško Nuclear power plant
9.  Czech state stopped geological surveys and payment of financial
    compensation in 7 sites
10. Negotiations with foreign vendors on the construction of nuclear
    reactors in the Czech Republic
11. On the road to the Antinuclear World Social Forum 2017
12. Russia: Floating nuclear power plant to cast off from Saint
13. FoE Japan: National Policies Corner Victims - Six Years after the
    Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
14. Translation of nuclear critical booklet now available also in
15. Upcoming events
16. About NukeNews

1.  Poziv na međunarodno antinuklearno akcijsko ljeto
Pozivamo vas na međunarodno antinuklearno akcijsko ljeto 2017.
Pripremaju se razne akcije u nekoliko  zemalja, kampovi i okupljanja
protiv nuklearne industrije. S obzirom na to da izolirane skupine ne
mogu same utjecati na moćne kompanije i vlade, mi kroz kampanje i
akcije pokušavamo ojačali borbu protiv nuklearne industrije. Ovog
ljeta održat će se mnogi događaji koji će tu temu proučavati s
različitih gledišta. Za svakoga bi se trebalo naći ponešto...

Više saznajte, uključujući i popis događaja, na web-stranici:

2.  Gorleben: Party kulturnog otpora
Drugoga lipnja organiziramo okupljanje kod nuklearnog odlagališta
Belugadreieck pokraj rudnika Gorleben. Pozivamo vas na mjesto  gdje se
krši zakon da nam se pridružite u našem slikovitom otporu. Predstavit
će se nekoliko grupa i upoznati nas sa svojim aktivnostima. Bit će
glazbe, hrane, prikazivanja X-BOXX – radijacijskih glazbenih
videospotova i još mnogo toga.

Saznajte više na:

3.  Lančana reakcija Tihange
Trebamo vas 25. lipnja kad će se stvoriti ljudski lanac kojim se traži
gašenje nuklearnih postrojenja Tihange 2 i Doel 3. Ljudi iz tri zemlje
različitih jezika protestirat će zajedno držeći se za ruke. Tim lancem
koji povezuje tisuće ljudi želimo ukazati na opasnosti koje prijete
milijunima europskih građana. Samo zajednički možemo ovu lančanu
reakciju pretvoriti u stvarnost.

Više saznajte na:

4.  Međunarodni aktivistički kamp: Zaustavimo novu američku nuklearnu
Ujedinjeni možemo zaustaviti planiranu nuklearnu bombu. Pridružite se
kampanji da SAD postojeće nuklearno oružje vrati kući i protestu
protiv nove B61-12 nuklearne bombe, koja bi trebala biti proizvedena
do 2020. godine i plasirana u pet europskih država – Italiju, Belgiju,
Nizozemsku, Tursku i Njemačku.

Pozivamo antinuklearne, okolišne i mirovne aktiviste Europe i
Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u naš kamp na glavnom ulazu u vojnu bazu
u Büchelu. Međunarodni tjedan aktivizma dio je akcije koja traje od
26. ožujka do 9. kolovoza. Tih dvadeset tjedana predstavlja dvadeset
B61-12 bombi. U bihelskom kampu organizirat će se umrežavanje i
nenasilni građanski otpor. To je prvi međunarodni tjedan koji se
udružio s antinuklearnim otporom u SAD-u, zemlji u kojoj bi trebala
biti izgrađena ta bomba.

Više saznajte na:

5.  Njemačka: Ljetno antinuklearno okupljanje
Za međunarodni kamp koji će se održati od 17. do 23. srpnja u Döbelnu
dosad je najavilo sudjelovanje više od 40 ljudi iz petnaest zemalja.
Očekujemo da će se okupiti stotinjak organizatora, aktivista i ostalih
kako bi se upoznali i informirali jedni druge o nuklearnim pitanjima,
kampanjama i akcijama iz svojih regija te da ojačaju mrežu
antinuklearnih grupa i inicijativa. Izabrane su dvije glavne teme:
uranski lanac, koji povezuje sve nuklearne teme te rok trajanja i
starenje nuklearnih postrojenja. 

Predstavnici organizatora koji rade u ta dva područja podijelit će
svoje znanje o nuklearnim ustanovama, kampanjama i politici.
Prezentirat će svoje kampanje i projekte u potrazi za novim
suradnicima iz redova antinuklearnih grupa što će pridonijeti jačanju
borbe s globalnom nuklearnom industrijom. Želite li sudjelovati,
registrirajte se na summercamp AT nuclear-heritage DOT net.

Više saznajte na internetskim stranicama:

6.  France: Festival Les Bure'lesques
An informative, festive and inventive festival open to all, families,
friends, locals and people from farther away will take place from
August 11-13, 2017 in the area of the supposed nuclear waste
repository in Bure, France. "Cigéo" is the name of the planned deep
geological storage site for nuclear waste. It is being prepared
despite unprecedented and well-known technological risks, against the
advice of thousands of opposing people including residents who never
have been consulted. This territory of life would be transformed into
an enormous radioactive waste dump undergoing an irreversible

Learn more:

7.  Germany: Easter March in Gronau and Jülich
Several groups are calling for a supraregional Easter March on Good
Friday, April 14th in Gronau and Jülich. The rally will start in
Gronau at 1 PM at the railway station and lead to the uranium
enrichment facility. From there a shuttle bus will transport
demonstrators back to the railway station. At the research center in
Jülich, outside the uranium centrifugation company ETC, a joint
venture of Urenco and Areva, a vigil will start at 2 PM. With the
centrifuges ETC develops and constructs the knowledge on uranium
enrichment, and thus also provides an option for a military usage.

In context of the recent discussions about the supposed operation
start of a huge uranium waste repository in Gronau while at the same
time a possible closure of the uranium enrichment facility is
discussed by politicians, but also in context of international voices
for a new nuclear rearmament these actions in Gronau and Jülich are
very important.

More information:

8.  Slovenian Environmental Agency: No need for EIA for life time
    extension of Krško Nuclear power plant
On 20 February 2017 the Slovenian Environmental Agency published its
conclusion of the EIA screening procedure for the life time extension
of Nuclear Power Plant Krško in which it concludes no EIA is needed.
The Agency conducted EIA screening procedure based on the information
provided by a group of environmental NGOs showing that in 2012 Nuclear
Safety Administration extended the time of Krško NPP operation from 40
to 60 years.

In the screening procedure the Agency consulted several competent
authorities which all believe 20 more years of Krško NPP operations
will not have any environmental impacts. Based on those opinions the
decision for no EIA was adopted. On 6 March 2017 a group of
environmental NGOs (Focus, PIC, Umanotera, SE-F) appealed against
negative EIA screening decision, listing, among others, breach of
Aarhus and Espoo Convention as reason.

9.  Czech state stopped geological surveys and payment of financial
    compensation in 7 sites
Based on the comments from communities and associations, the Ministry
of the Environment (MŽP) has decided not to extend the validity period
of exploration permits for geological work by two years in relation to
the siting process for a deep repository, as Radioactive Waste
Repository Authority (SÚRAO/RAWRA) had demanded. The reason was that
the validity of exploration permits expired on December 31, 2016 and
SÚRAO submitted its request for extension late. This means that from
1st January 2017 SÚRAO must not perform any previously accepted
geological work in the sites.

Read the complete article:

10. Negotiations with foreign vendors on the construction of nuclear
    reactors in the Czech Republic
Between January 26 and February 10, 2017, consultations took place
with six contenders for the construction of reactors in the country.
The vendors are companies as follows: ATMEA (joint project of
Mitsubishi and AREVA NP), China General Nuclear Power Corporation,
AREVA NP / Electricité de France, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
(subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Corporation), Rosatom State
Atomic Energy Corporation (Russia) and Toshiba / Westinghouse Electric
Company (USA).

Negotiations proceeded to tender, without which the Czech Republic
(unlike Hungary) will not build the generation 3+ reactors, but which
has yet to be announced. Firstly, the Czech Republic wants to seek a
waiver from the European Union because it does not want to apply the
Public Procurement Act to its fullest extent.

Read the complete article:

11. On the road to the Antinuclear World Social Forum 2017
Since the first World Social Forum (WSF) held at Porto Alegre in 2001,
the anti-globalization movement has expanded and consolidated. Several
WSFs took place in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa and, in August
2016, in North America. New themes enriched this dynamic. In 2013 and
2015, nuclear issues have been the subject of several workshops and
the first Antinuclear Social Forum was held in spring 2016 in Tokyo,
where a "Call for a nuclear-free world network" was launched. In
Montréal, the second Antinuclear Forum took place within the WSF.
Since France is the most nuclearized country in the world in
proportion to the number of inhabitants, French antinuclear
organizations thought it relevant to host the next Antinuclear WSF in
France, from 2 to 4 November 2017, in Paris.

Read the complete article:

12. Russia: Floating nuclear power plant to cast off from Saint
In Saint Petersburg at the Baltic Shipyard in the center of Russia's
second biggest city the floating nuclear power plant "Academician
Lomonosov" has been constructed. It is a new experimental vessel with
two reactors supposed to be in operation at its final destination in
Pevek in Chukotka in the Russian Far East. There hasn't been a
transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment, and it is not planned
for future either. Russian authorities emphasize that the country
never ratified the ESPOO convention, and thus would not be required to
involve the neighboring countries - which will be affected by the
shipment of the floating NPP to its final destination in autumn 2017
or spring 2018. On this route is has to cross the Baltic Sea passing
the waters of the territories of several other countries. However, the
country signed the ESPOO convention (without ratifying it), and
Russian documents recommend to meet the requirements of this treaty if

Read the complete article:

13. FoE Japan: National Policies Corner Victims - Six Years after the
    Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Six years after March 11 2011, the accident remains unresolved and we
continue to face the consequences of a prolonged and unprecedented
nuclear disaster. The consequences are complicated and diverse. Due to
the wide spread radiation contamination, the lives of those who once
lived with blessings of nature were lost and in many areas,
dramatically altered. The countless consequences include: loss of
livelihood and purposes of life, living in cramped temporary
evacuation shelters, dividing families and communities, health risks
and growing anxieties, bullying and prejudice in the evacuation
destinations... and the list goes on. In such a situation, national
policy which encourages the evacuees to return to their home under the
name of “reconstruction” corners victims of the nuclear disaster.

Read the complete statement:

14. Translation of nuclear critical booklet now available also in
Thanks to a cooperation of the Munich-centered NGO wecf, the Austrian-
Czech NGO "Sonne und Freiheit" and the Hungarian based team from
GeniaNet.com the so far in German, English, French and Czech published
booklet "The Critical Question" has now also been produced in a
Hungarian version. Thanks to financial support from the Upper Austrian
regional government for translation and printing the Hungarian nuclear
resistance should thus receive an important new resource and we are
looking forward to intensify our cross-border cooperation. You can
order a copy at "b DOT riepl AT eduhi DOT at".

Download the Hungarian publication for free:

More information:

15. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

probably 2017:     Castor transport Resistance in France, Germany and
                   United Kingdom
25/06/17:          Tihange human chain action via Tihange - Lüttich -
                   Maastricht - Aachen (B, D, NL)
07/07/17-08/07/17: G20 meeting and protests in Hamburg (D)
12/07/17-18/07/17: "International week" with US and other activists at
                   Büchel air base in Alflen (D)
17/07/17-23/07/17: International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp 2017 in
                   Döbeln (D)
31/07/17-06/08/17: War Starts Here Camp close by the Gefechts-Übungs-
                   Zentrum Altmark (GÜZ) in Potzehne in Colbitz-
                   Letzlinger-Heide (D)
07/08/17-16/08/17: Internationalistic Anti Nuclear Summer Camp and
                   Free Flow Festival in Gedelitz (D)
11/08/17-13/08/17: Festival Les Bure'lesques in Bure (F)
02/11/17-04/11/17: Antinuclear World Social Forum 2017 in Paris (F) 
06/11/17-17/11/17: World Climate Summit and protests in Bonn (D)


16. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 25th issue of
the NukeNews is 18th of June, 2017.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: