NukeNews No. 23 - CROATIAN

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*     NukeNews#23 – Antinuklearni  informativni servis     *

0.  Predgovor
Dobrodošli u prvo izdanje NukeNewsa u 2017. godini. Ove će godine u
Europi biti nekoliko velikih događaja – sastanak  G20 vodećih
svjetskih sila i Konferencija Ujedinjenih naroda COP23o klimatskim
promjenama. Na oba skupa moćni će igrači pokušati oblikovati budućnost
čovječanstva. Nuklearni lobisti pokušat će učvrstiti poziciju atomske
energije u svijetu, a istodobno će antinuklearni aktivisti
protestirati protiv pristupa tih institucija.

Osim toga, razne inicijative i NGO-i  organizirat će  tijekom proljeća
i ljeta mnoga okupljanja na temu borbe oko energije. Pozivamo vas na
međunarodnu konferenciju o nuklearnoj energiji, na dan prije
Černobilske obljetnice, zatim na internacionalni ljetni kamp Nuclear
Heritage Networka u srpnju u Saskoj te na međunarodni antinuklearni
kamp u kolovozu u regiji Wendland. Šuška se i o nekoliko dodatnih
ljetnih  međunarodnih antinuklearnih okupljanja, kampova i
konferencija. O tomu ćemo vas podrobnije izvijestiti u sljedećem

Imate li novosti i najave za sljedeći NukeNews, molimo, obavijestite
nas! Detalje o roku, kontakt e-mailu i odgovarajućem formatu članka
pronaći ćete pri kraju ovoga izdanja.

Sadržaj NukeNews#23
0.  Predgovor
1.  Nuklearne vijesti iz Tanzanije
2.  Kalifornija zatvara svoje posljednje nuklearno postrojenje
3.  Bjelorusija: Novi incident s reaktorom potvrđuje stari problem
4.  CZ: Platforma protiv dubinskog odlagališta
5.  Češko ministarstvo okoliša državnoj tvrtki DIAMO daje
    jednogodišnji rok
6.  Austrija zahvalila Kumbrijcima
7.  Radioaktivni otpad na dnu Irskog mora - nema mira od NuGenovih
8.  UK: Što će  ove godine napajati božićne ukrase
9.  UK: Lokalna uprava primila poražavajuće izvješće
10. Hinkley - ima li svrhe
11. Canada: Pickering Nuclear Station lifetime extension
12. FoE Japan: Refreshment camp still needed for families in Fukushima
13. Russia: Decommission at Novovoronezh NPP
14. Scram at Russia's new flagship reactor
15. Nuclear Energy Conference 2017 in Linz
16. Updates on Polish nuclear policy
17. International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp will take place in Germany
18. 40 years of site designation Gorleben - 40 years of resistance
19. Internationalistic Anti Nuclear Summer Camp and Free Flow Festival
    at Gedelitz, in the Wendland
20. World Climate Summit in Bonn on November 6-17, 2017
21. G20 - July 7/8, 2017 in Hamburg
22. Upcoming events
23. About NukeNews

1.  Nuklearne vijesti iz Tanzanije
Malavijska je policija je 21. XI. 2016. na sjevernoj granici Karonga
uhitila osam tanzanijskih državljana pri pokušaju nezakonitog prelaska
državne granice na putu prema rudniku urana u Kayerekeri.
Glasnogovornik karonganske policije George Mlewa izvijestio je da su
uhićeni nakon dojave stanovnika toga područja te da će skupina biti
izvedena pred sud pod optužbom povrede državnog prostora prema članku
314. Kaznenog zakona, ali i da je optužnica podložna promjenama s
obzirom na dokaze skupljene u istrazi. Zatim su  malavijski mediji
objavili da je ponovno uhićeno osam tanzanijskih državljana u
susjednoj državi pri ilegalnom ulasku u rudnik urana. Malavijski
mediji prenijeli su da su to špijuni, koje je Tanzanijska Vlada
poslala da istraže razvija li susjedna zemlja nuklearno oružje
koristeći uran iz rudnika Kayerekera u okrugu Karonga.    

Cijeli članak pročitajte na:

2.  Kalifornija zatvara svoje posljednje nuklearno postrojenje
Vjerojatno vam je znano da je najveća državna elektrokompanija
odlučila prošlog ljeta ugasiti Diablo Canyon. Završni prijedlog izišao
je pred državno povjerenstvo u rujnu. Brojne skupine su uputile
zahtjeve povjerenstvu da se Diablo zatvori prije nego što je
planirano. Iznenadivši javnost, sudac je pristao poslušati naše
argumente. Odluka će biti objavljena u svibnju 2017. Još je jedna
skupina reagirala i podnijela tužbu zahtijevajući da Diablo bude
zatvoren 2018. Povodom zaključivanja slučaja Diablo stariji aktivisti
još iz pedesetih sastali su se krajem listopada kako bi to proslavili.
Zahvaljujući predanom radu grupa i pojedinaca mnoge nuklearke nikada
nisu ni otvorene. Aktivisti Južne Karoline zahtijevaju da se potrošeno
gorivo u obliku šipki iz nuklearke San Onofre (pokraj Los Angelesa,
zatvorene 2013). što prije ukloni, jer su zabrinuti da jedinice gdje
je trenutno zbrinuto nisu seizmički stabilne.

3.  Bjelorusija: Novi incident s reaktorom potvrđuje stari problem
Važno je naglasiti da se nuklearni eksperti nisu žurili obavijestiti
javnost o incidentu koji su prijavili čitatelji web-stranice Tek nakon toga objavljeno je na službenoj stranici NPP
Balrusain da je pri smanjenoj vidljivosti, zaštitni metalni
transportni poklopac velikog tereta (reaktorska posuda za NPP
Belarusain) dotaknuo stup električnog voda. Još nije jasno jesu li
stup i reaktorska posuda neoštećeni.

Sjećate li se kako su nas nuklearni eksperti Bjelorusije i Rusije
prošle godine uvjeravali da je reaktor neznatno oštećen, a onda
ispostavilo da treba zamijeniti reaktorsku posudu.

Cijeli članak pročitajte na:

4.  CZ: Platforma protiv dubinskog odlagališta
U Češkoj trenutno postoji devet potencijalnih lokacija za dubinsko
odlagalište s kojima se većina stanovništva ne slaže pa je 4.
listopada 2016. osnovana Platforma protiv dubinskog odlagališta koja
već u prosincu 2016. ujedinjuje 28 općina i NGO-a. Da biste saznali
više pogledajte Callainu izjavu  na:

5.  Češko ministarstvo okoliša državnoj tvrtki DIAMO daje
    jednogodišnji rok
Pod pritiskom lokalaca iz Brzkova, Ministarstvo okoliša daje državnoj
tvrtki DIAMO jednogodišnji rok (do 30. lipnja 2017.) da skupi svu
potrebnu dokumentaciju  kako bi se mogla prijaviti za produženje
dozvole zaštićenog uranskog ležišta (CHLÚ) u Brzkovu – Horní Věžnice.
CHLÚ znači da je područje korak bliže iskapanju rude, ali i zapreka za
razvoj općine. Temeljem prvotnog plana, produženje  CHLÚ-a trebalo je
biti finalizirano do kolovoze 2015., ali nije. Među dokumentima koji
nedostaju je i rekalkulacija uranskih rezervi temeljena na novim
geološkim  istraživanjima. U prosincu 2016. DIAMO je izjavio da nema
namjeru provoditi nova geološka istraživanja kako bi otkrili točne
količine uranskih rezervi na ležištu  Brzkov – Horní Věžnice. Umjesto
toga, DIAMO će proračunati rezerve i time će moći produžiti postojeći
CHLÚ  približno šest puta. Lokalno stanovništvo, zemljoposjednici i
udruga Naša budućnost bez urana imaju drukčije mišljenje i branit će
se uz pomoć odvjetnika.

6.  Austrija zahvalila Kumbrijcima
Marianne Birkby, osnivačica Radiation Free Lakelanda kaže: Ovo
saznanje i moralna potpora Austrije pruža nam ohrabrenje da bismo
nastavili i gradili otpor Moorsideu. Tako je i  federalni kancelar
rekao da Europa treba građane koji zagovaraju napuštanje nuklearne
energije. Neće biti dovoljno pojedinačno prosvjedovanje negdje na
prilaznoj cesti već se grupe i pojedinci trebaju udružiti i zasukati
rukave u jačanju otpora.

Više saznajte na:

7.  Radioaktivni otpad na dnu Irskog mora - nema mira od NuGenovih
Radiation Free Lakeland (Lakeland bez radijacije) poslao je  prigovor:
40 NuGenovih  podmorskih istraživačkih bušotina moglo bi uzburkatii
najveće nuklearno odlagalište na svijetu. Jedini način da se javnost
tomu usprotivi su javne konzultacije, kako to posprdno naziva uprava
marine. Za razliku od ovog slučaja, lokalni su vijećnici dobro
pretresli postavljanje vjetrenih turbina u Walneyju zbog sasvim
opravdane brige da bi turbine mogle uzburkati radioaktivni mulj.

Cijeli članak pročitajte na:

8.  UK: Što će  ove godine napajati božićne ukrase
Lansirana je nova kampanja: Ne kupujte nuklearni otpad! Da biste se
potpuno prebacili na opskrbljivače energije iz obnovljivih izvora,
počnite ovdje:

9.  UK: Lokalna uprava primila poražavajuće izvješće
Pete Roche, Policijski savjetnik NFLA Scotland i nezavisni konzultant
Pete Roche sastavio je nezavisno izvješće kako su značajni i
alarmantni problemi dizajna reaktora koji bi mogli uzrokovati
katastrofalnu štetu u slučaju ozbiljnijeg incidenta.

Više saznajte na:

10. Hinkley - ima li svrhe
Nakon što je Francuska konačno odlučila nastaviti s projektom Hinkley
Point C reaktor, tada još neizabrana britanska premijerka Theresa May
povukla je projekt na reviziju sigurnosti zbog kineskog uplitanja.
Međutim, nakon što je izišla s informacijom da će se odluka donijeti u
listopadu, May je kapitulirala pred interesima nuklearne i građevinske
industrije i dala zeleno svjetlo. U nedjelju 18. rujna održane su
demonstracije antinuklearaca u Bristolu protiv te odluke. Predstavnici
udruga Jugozapad protiv nuklearnog i Stop Hinkley progovorili su
protiv tog projekta i pozvali građane da se pobune protiv tog dogovora
koji je vrlo loš dogovor za britanske potrošače električne energije.
Svi važniji mediji i ekonomski analitičari su sada protiv projekta i
pitaju se zašto je vlada tako odlučna u nastavljanju projekta. Mi
znamo odgovor - u pitanju je nuklearno oružje.

11. Canada: Pickering Nuclear Station lifetime extension
PNS construction started in 1960s and opened in 1971. Currently it’s
once again extended license expires in 2018, but OPG (Ontario Power
Generation) is seeking extension of its license again to 2028.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) licensing today foresees
under current licensing, the Pickering reactors will be in dormant
storage until 2050 and decommissioning will begin in 2051 and the
reactors will be released from regulatory control in 2065.

The OPG request for extension to 2028 is based on the fact that four
reactors at Darlington and Bruce will be shut down between 2020- 2024.
However risking its extension so close to the largest Canadian
Metropolis Toronto is not only risky, but costly and unnecessary; as
much cheaper Hydro power is available from Quebec at 5c/KWH, while
refurbishment costs are around 18c/KWH.

Read the complete article:

12. FoE Japan: Refreshment camp still needed for families in Fukushima
The Fukushima Poka Poka Project ("refreshment camp" for children from
Fukushima) has been providing a place where children affected by the
2011 Fukushima nuclear accident can freely play under the sun, and a
space where parents can freely talk about their concerns about

In the past three and half a years, more than 700 children and parents
have participated in the weekend refreshment camp in Inawashiro in the
mountains of Fukushima Prefecture. This location is accessible for
many parents in Fukushima and is safe, with low radiation levels.

Learn more:

13. Russia: Decommission at Novovoronezh NPP
The third unit of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, operating
since 1971, finally stopped. Employees of the NPP prepare it for the
process of decommissioning. The unit will be a pilot project to use
technology of decommissioning VVER-440 reactors.

More information:

14. Scram at Russia's new flagship reactor
The No 6 reactor at the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant in Russia -
the first of the country's flagship AES-2006 series - was taken off
the grid due to an electric generator failure in early November 2016.
The incident occurred on November 10, but was not reported by
Rosenergoatom, Russia's nuclear utility, until six days later. The
company indicated that the reason for the emergency shutdown of its
prize new reactor was a short circuit.

Read the whole story:

15. Nuclear Energy Conference 2017 in Linz
In 2017 the Nuclear Energy Conference will take place for the fourth
time - as already in 2015 it will be held in Linz. 2017 EURATOM will
celebrate the 60th year since its foundation and therefore 60 years of
promoting nuclear industry. EURATOM is an obstacle for the European
nuclear phase-out and a stumbling block for a nuclear free Europe. 60
years after its implementation the time has come to abolish EURATOM or
at least subject it to a thorough reform process which has been
demanded for years.

International experts will discuss the following topics: Myth of
EURATOM - Is safety of nuclear power plants part of EURATOM? Reforming
EURATOM - Utopia or vision? Unilateral exit of EURATOM - Legal
possibilities. Why Germay should leave EURATOM. Campaigning against
EURATOM - Historic overview of campaigns in Austria.

16. Updates on Polish nuclear policy
There have been little concrete developments in the nuclear energy
program for Poland (PPEJ) in 2016. Localization and environmental
studies commissioned by PGE EJ1 (state-owned investor), which have
started some months ago, progressed very little. PGE EJ1 is claiming
they will be finalized in 2017 but they may encounter active
opposition from part of the local communities.

The PPEJ was scheduled by law to be revised in mid-2016 but it was not
until October. Instead of rethinking the usefulness of the
conventional nuclear program (which nominally is valid to date), the
Polish government, through the draft national "Strategy for
development", a policy document from the Ministry of Development,
proposed additional introduction of a completely new nuclear
technology of high-temperature reactors (so called HTRs). As small
modular reactors, they would be deployed beside and operated by
petro-chemical industry's plants. But first a prototype of reactors
would need to be developed which they would like to see it by 2030. In
fact, the national nuclear research center (NCBJ) had secured an
adequate co-operation document (letter of intent) with the UK
consortium 'U-Battery' to design and construct such a prototype. The
status of those proposals of reactors in relation to the reactors,
goals, timeline etc. proposed in PPEJ is completely unclear and the
authors of the 'Strategy' do not even attempt to clarify them.

17. International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp will take place in Germany
Despite the first announcement last autumn the 2017 international
anti-nuclear summer camp will not take place in June in Poland, but
from July 17-23 in Döbeln, Germany. There had been organizational
changes which led to the decision to hold the gathering one month
later and in Saxony. The new constellation means that it will start
about one week after the G20 protests that will take place on the 7th
of July weekend. Thus, activists and other participants of the
demonstrations in Hamburg will have one week to recover before
possibly joining the international summer camp.

However, the week between G20 protests and summer camp will be needed
for preparation of the camp - help is very welcome! Please announce
your participation in the preparation week in advance! It will also be
possible to set up your tent already and to also relax after the big
rallies in Hamburg before participating in our camp. You should expect
the infrastructure not ready yet for bigger amounts of people - the
sanitary facilities will be limited and food supplies also will need
to be organized during the preparation week!

Please contact us at "summercamp AT nuclear-heritage DOT net"!
More information will be available at:

18. 40 years of site designation Gorleben - 40 years of resistance
It is so long ago that the former Prime Minister of Lower Saxony,
Ernst Albrecht, had intended to declare Gorleben as the Nuclear
Disposal Centre by just pointing a finger onto the map. Since then, a
lot has been prevented: a reprocessing plant, a pilot conditioning
plant in operation, an unsuitable final storage. The Castor hall with
a capacity to store 420 Castor casks "only" holds 113 casks. But there
is a continuous need for further information and resistance! A protest
culture has grown in the Wendland anchored as a social movement. We
celebrate the successes and gain power for future tasks, namely to
promote the final nuclear phaseout, to have the nuclear waste stored
as safe as possible and not as cheap as possible, to stop unnecessary
nuclear transports and to complete the energy transition. There will
be an action day on February 18, an event on February 22 and a
DanceNightTotal on February 25.

Read the complete article:

19. Internationalistic Anti Nuclear Summer Camp and Free Flow Festival
    at Gedelitz, in the Wendland
A camp will take place between August 7 and 16, 2017 on the meadow,
for which activists and interested people from all over the world are
invited. Not as a competition but as a supplement to the camp in
Döbeln, we are planning lectures, discussions, workshops and an action
day on the subject of nuclear waste, nuclear transports, uranium
mining and human rights. We hope to live the integration of the issues
and activists of the Wendland and to carry out some networking
covering all continents and issues. We will try to invite people from
Standing Rock to Gedelitz within the scope of a tour, as a symbolic
gesture of our solidarity support and as an expression for our mutual
fight. Boarding is planned with the Vokü in addition to a small-scale
menu of the Wiese Pub. The price for the Camp shall be affordable for
everybody and shall be graded. Children are free. The Free Flow
Festival will take place at the weekend. Further information soon on
our own website and on the website of the organizers, the citizens'
initiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg.

20. World Climate Summit in Bonn on November 6-17, 2017
We plan a lot of different protest actions, because the schedule for
the coming decades of nuclear industries will be fixed during this
summit. The international alliance "Don't nuke the climate!", which
successfully organized protests against the World Climate Summit 2015
in Paris, has just started a new campaign.

Soon more here:

21. G20 - July 7/8, 2017 in Hamburg
The G20 is an informal merger of 19 countries and the European Union.
It is designed as a forum for the cooperation and consultation about
issues of the international financial system.

We strive for a completely different climate, and there will be
large-scale and resolute protests in Hamburg against the politics of
the G20 countries aimed at economic growth, optimization of profits
and competition promoting global groups of companies, rich people and
financial markets. The global consequences of such politics are
increasing social inequality, marginalization, environmental
destruction and climate change, wars, flight and impoverishment.

We jointly want to make visible the solidary-emancipatory pole of
society at the G20 summit. The cynical "Keep it up" of the G20 shall
be contradicted by our approaches for a socially just, peaceful and
ecologically sustainable world. It will be a triad of counter-summit,
actions of civil disobedience and a large-scale demonstration on July

Read the complete article:,_2017_in_Hamburg

22. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

probably 2017:     Castor transport Resistance in France and Germany
18/02/17:          40 years Gorleben resistance - action day - in
                   Wendland region (D)
25/03/17 at 10 AM: 7th Temelin conference in Munich (D)
31/03/17-02/04/17: spring conference of the German anti-nuclear
                   movement in Göttingen (D)
25/04/17 at 9 AM:  Nuclear Energy Conference in Linz (A)
25/06/17:          Tihange human chain action via Tihange - Lüttich -
                   Maastricht - Aachen (B, D, NL)
07/07/17-08/07/17: G20 meeting and protests in Hamburg (D)
17/07/17-23/07/17: International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp 2017 in
                   Döbeln (D)
07/08/17-16/08/17: Internationalistic Anti Nuclear Summer Camp and
                   Free Flow Festival in Gedelitz (D)
06/11/17-17/11/17: World Climate Summit and protests in Bonn (D),_2017_in_Hamburg

23. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 24th issue of
the NukeNews is 26th of March, 2017.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: