NukeNews No. 22 - CROATIAN

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*     NukeNews#22 - Antinuklearni informativni servis      *

0.  Predgovor
Dobrodošli u novo izdanje NukeNewsa u kojemu donosimo poruke aktivista
i organizatora povezanih Nuclear Heritage mrežom. Ovaj put fokus je na
diskusiji o prijedlogu međunarodnog nuklearnog odlagališta u
Australiji. Novi australski protokoli za iskapanje urana su tema
sljedeća dva članka. Osim toga, imamo nekoliko izvještaja i najava
antinuklearnih događanja, vijesti o o tomu što se događa na
odlagalištima nuklearnog otpada u Francuskoj i Češkoj te još nekoliko
zanimljivih tema. Nadamo se da će vam ovo izdanje biti korisno i

Sadržaj  NukeNews #22
0.  Predgovor
1.  Češka: Zašto se raspada radno tijelo za dijalog o geološkoj
    ustanovi za zbrinjavanje
2.  Velike demonstracije u nuklearnom postrojenju u Lingenu
3.  Otrov u srcu: Odlaganje nuklearnog otpada u Južnoj Australiji
4.  Australski planovi za odlaganje nuklearnog otpada
5.  Izvješće: Tronacionalni štrajk glađu u Büchelu
6.  Montreal Declaration for a Nuclear-Fission-Free World
7.  Radioactive liquid nuclear waste: stop the transport
8.  Mulga Rock uranium proposal under Appeal
9.  Approval suggested for another Australian uranium mine
10. Preparation of International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp 2017
11. Russia: Samples from Chernobyl affected regions in court
12. FSB search in the apartment of a critic of Rosatom
13. Bure - reoccupation of the forest and actions against nuclear dump
14. Upcoming events
15. About NukeNews

1.  Češka: Zašto se raspada radno tijelo za dijalog o geološkoj
    ustanovi za zbrinjavanje
U lipnju 2016. Calla i Green Circle (udruženje 26 prominentnih zelenih
udruga) objavili su vijest da je tijekom travnja i svibnja šest
predstavnika gradova Březový Potok i Hádek  napustilo radnu skupinu za
dijalog o zbrinjavanju geološkog otpada. Načelnici i udruge smatraju
da se radna skupina zlorabi i krši statut time što ne pridonosi
transparentnom procesu zbrinjavanja geološkog otpada.

Cijeli članak pročitajte na:

2.  Velike demonstracije u nuklearnom postrojenju u Lingenu
U Lingenu u Donjoj Saskoj još se proizvodi nuklearno gorivo. Unatoč
tomu što je njemačka vlada odlučila polako gasiti atomska postrojenja
za obogaćivanje urana u Lingenu i Gronau još nije određen datum
zatvaranja. Realnost  je upravo suprotna - postrojenja se šire i
odlažw se  sve više nuklearnog otpada. Zahtijevamo renutni prekid
rada i opskrbe nuklearnih postrojenja diljem svijeta. Koalicija
nekoliko antinuklearnih grupa i mreža pokrenula je kampanju protiv tih
nuklearnih ustanova i stavlja ovu temu u centar pažnje javnosti.
Pozivamo vas da se pridružite velikoj manifestaciji u Lingenu

3.  Otrov u srcu: Odlaganje nuklearnog otpada u Južnoj Australiji
Bez obzira na to što na svijetu ne postoji sigurno odlagalište,
nekoliko je nadobudnih tehnokrata u Južnoj Australiji odlučilo je da
Australija ima rješenje problema globalnog nuklearnog otpada. Nedavno
objavljeno izvješće kraljevske komisije o ciklusu nuklearnog goriva
predlaže da vlada Južne Australije prihvati trećinu svjetskog
visokorizičnog otpada u nadzemna spremišta te zakopavanje u podzemna
ležišta koja tek treba izgraditi u pustinji Južne Australije. Izvješće
predlaže da Južna Australija uveze 138 tisuća tona visokorizičnog
radioaktivnog otpada, to jest potrošenog goriva u obliku šipki, kao i
dodatnih 390 tisuća kubnih metara srednjerizičnog otpada za
skladištenje i eventualno rješavanje.

Projekt zakapanja svjetskog nuklearnog otrova u srcu australske
pustinje nije nova ideja. To se kuha već dva desetljeća u raznim
oblicima. Prve naznake paklenog plana o pretvaranju Australije u
svjetsko nuklearno odlagalište nikle su devedesetih godina prošlog
stoljeća kad je Pangea Resources, kompanija sa sjedištem u Ujedinjenom
Kraljevstvu promovirala izgradnju komercijalnog međunarodnog
odlagališta otpada u Zapadnoj Australiji. Projekt je financiran s 40
milijuna dolara, od čega je 80 % dala vladina kompanija British
Nuclear Fuels Limited, a ostalih 20 % još dvije kompanije koje se bave
rješavanjem nuklearnog otpada.

Cijeli članak pročitajte na:

4.  Australski planovi za odlaganje nuklearnog otpada
Kao odgovor na poražavajuće ekonomske pokazatelje, premijer Južne
Australije poziva u ožujku 2015. Kraljevsku komisiju da istraži opcije
proširenja nuklearne industrije u Južnoj Australiji. To uplitanje je
trenutno ograničeno na iskapanje urana, Naime, Južna Australija
proizvodi oko 75 % australskog urana i tu se nalazi Olympic Dam,
golemi rudnik tvrtke BHP Billiton.

U svibnju 2016. komisija izvještava - iako ima prostora za povećanu
proizvodnju urana, preradu minerala i obogaćivanje domaće nuklearne
snage prava zarada leži u otpadu. Komisija je preporučila da se Južna
Australija što prije pokrene, počne uvoziti, skladištiti i u konačnici
zakapati otprilike trećinu globalnoga visokorizičnog otpada.

Sada državna uprava provodi proindustrijske javne razgovore prije
službenog odgovora na prijedlog komisije koji bi trebao biti gotov
2016. godine. U tom procesu mnogo je toga krivo, pogotovo činjenica da
je tvrtku angažiranu da dade ključno stručno mišljenje i ekonomsko
usmjerenje (švicarski MCM) osnovao bivši tehnički upravitelj Pangea
Resources  grupe koja je stajala iza propalog pokušaja otvaranja
međunarodnog odlagališta u Australiji devedesetih. Zato ne iznenađuje
što su ekonomski zaključci Kraljevske komisije mutni i vrlo

5.  Izvješće: Tronacionalni štrajk glađu u Büchelu
Ljudi u Parizu, Londonu, u Africi i Japanu održali su komemoraciju
žrtvama bombardirana Hiroshime i Nagasakija. S obzirom na to da je
međusobno komuniciranje i usklađivanje točno određenog trenutka bilo
malo komplicirano, to se svelo na tronacionalni protest štrajkom glađu
u Büchelu od 6. do 9. kolovoza. Meni je ovaj put bilo teško, ali grupa
motivira. Znao sam da su već neki ljudi prestali jesti, a udruga ICAN
i međunarodna Družina pomirbe pozivali su ljude na štrajk. Nekoliko
mladih izvelo je ispred vojne zračne baze predstavu uz glazbu, a imali
smo tijekom protesta i zanimljive dijaloge.

Kompletan članak pročitajte na:

6.  Montreal Declaration for a Nuclear-Fission-Free World
We collectively call for a mobilization of civil society around the
world to bring about the elimination of all nuclear weapons, to put an
end to the continued mass-production of all high-level nuclear wastes
by phasing out all nuclear reactors, and to bring to a halt all
uranium mining worldwide. Created Aug. 8 – 12, 2016 at the World
Social Forum Anti-Nuclear Stream.

7.  Radioactive liquid nuclear waste: stop the transport
Radioactive liquid nuclear waste could be transported by armed convoy,
1100 miles over the Great Lakes water system from Chalk River, Ontario
to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina for the first time, and
it could begin as soon as September. A legal challenge by 7 non-profit
groups was filed requesting an injunction from the federal court in
Washington, DC, to halt the transport until an adequate environmental
impact statement is completed.

Learn more:

Background information:

8.  Mulga Rock uranium proposal under Appeal
In the middle of August the WA EPA recommended approval for the Mulga
Rock Uranium mine proposal - 240km North East of Kalgoorlie. The
project is headed up by the company Vimy Resources - funded by Twiggy
Forest, a executive team made up of former FMG and Mineroo Group
executives and one former Liberal MP. Soon afterwards we had a great
workshop with about 10 people who are all preparing to lodge appeals
against the EPA decision - urging the Environment Minister not to
approve to proposed mine. We are working with the Spinifex and Pilki
people from the Great Victorian Desert.

9.  Approval suggested for another Australian uranium mine
In early September the West Australian EPA recommended approval for
the proposed Wiluna uranium mine. We are disappointed but not
surprised - the WA EPA has a pattern of deferring important
environmental assessments to other Government agencies. We are hosting
yet another appeal writing workshop in a bid to get many appeals
lodged and to challenge the validity of the proposed mine.

You can read more about the Wiluna proposal here:

10. Preparation of International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp 2017
In June 2017 an international anti-nuclear summer camp will be
inviting activists and interested audience from all over Europe (or
further) to exchange experiences, teach about nuclear issues in their
regions, develop organizing, campaigning and action skills, and to get
in touch with each other. The camp, which will be the annual Nuclear
Heritage Network Gathering, will take place in Eastern Germany. We are
currently starting preparations and urgently need some more people to
help us with the preparations. If you are willing to help to make this
camp possible, please connect as soon as possible to
"contact AT nuclear-heritage DOT net".

The last bigger Nuclear Heritage Network Gathering took place in 2012:
This time we want it bigger and broader. The last years almost no
international anti-nuclear summer gatherings took place in Europe, we
want this one also to be a platform for activists, organizers and
other interested people to network and discuss strategies against
nuclear power.

11. Russia: Samples from Chernobyl affected regions in court
June, 28th Greenpeace presented results of measuring cesium-137
contamination of soil samples to the Supreme court of Russia. 53
inhabitants of different Chernobyl affected towns and villages in
Bryansk were appealing an earlier court decision, which allowed the
governmental decree to downgrade or lift the status of some villages
and towns in contaminated zones.

The government claims, due to cs-137 decay, Chernobyl contamination is
substantially reduced. Institute 'Taifun' has not taken samples in
most of these towns and villages recently, but just re-calculated
earlier results of samples taken in 1980s and 1990s. The decree led to
lifting of social priviledges as well.

Read the complete article:

12. FSB search in the apartment of a critic of Rosatom
It happened in the closed nuclear town ZATO Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk
Territory, Siberia, Russia: According to Fedor Maryasov, co-chairman
of the Regional public ecological organization "The Nature of
Siberia", on July 18, at 19 p.m., his apartment in ZATO Zheleznogorsk,
Krasnoyarsk region was searched. Two representatives of the FSB
appeared in his apartment and produced a search warrant issued by the
court. The reason for the search was suspicion that Fedor Maryasov
committed an offense under the Criminal Code, Article 282, that is,
incitement to hatred or hostility, and violation of human dignity.
Punishment under this article may be in the form of a fine of 300
thousand rubles to imprisonment for a term up to 5 years. FSB
representatives presented the results of a linguistic examination of
materials that Fedor Maryasov had placed in the social network
"VKontakte" for several years. The results of that examination were
the basis for the qualification of an alleged offense under this

As a result of the search, which lasted 1.5 hours, a computer was
seized and three copies of the printed version of the report prepared
by KROEO "Nature of Siberia" (with Green World financial support):
"Siberian GAMBIT the Grand Chessboard of the State Corporation
Rosatom". After the search Fedor Maryasov was taken to the FSB
Zheleznogorsk, where he remained for three hours. After that he was
released. According to Fedor Maryasov, the interest of the FSB is
associated with his criticism of Rosatom, which he has engaged in for
many years as part of KROEO "Nature Siberia". The main target of
criticism of Fedor Maryasov has been the planned construction of a
national nuclear waste repository in Zheleznogorsk. For more
information about the topic, please see the documentary film "Digging
Our Own Grave": (English) (Russian)

In addition, Fedor Maryasov initiated an appeal to President Putin
to ban the construction of a nuclear burial ground near Krasnoyarsk,
where one million people live. About 80 thousand people have signed
the appeal. Fedor Maryasov will have to defend himself in court. The
work of an attorney in Krasnoyarsk for such issues is estimated at a
cost of not less than 300 thousand rubles.

13. Bure - reoccupation of the forest and actions against nuclear dump
The vote on the French nuclear waste repository law being based on a
6 Billion euro first construction phase of the deep geological
repository called CIGÉO in Bure took place in a special session of the
Assemblée Nationale without a real debate on July 11, 2016 between the
Euros final and a national holiday on July 14th. The responsible
Minister of Environment Ségolène Royal failed to appear in the voting,
and instead preferred participating in a photo shoot with football
celebs to the vote. She was instead substituted by the state secretary
competent for francophonie. Only 20 MPs joined the voting. Just four
environmental MPs made requests and voted against the law.

The opponents of the nuclear waste repository project had considered
the politicians' goings-on to be a farce already for a long time and
focused on resistance from the roots. Since construction works for
CIGÉO started in early June in the forest of Mandres-en-Barrois the
resistance grew. The forest was occupied and three weeks later evicted
by police. On July 16th some 500 people followed the call to reoccupy
the forest. A colourful crowd set out to the area and recaptured the

Read the German field report:

14. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

24/09/16-25/09/16: 6th Temelín Conference 2016 at Temelín NPP (CZ)
01/10/16-02/10/16: rally & conference "Arrêt du nucléaire, énergie de
                   destruction massive!" in Flamanville (F)
28/09/16-02/10/16: International Uranium Film Festival at
                   KulturBrauerei cinema in Berlin (D)
17/10/16 6.30 PM:  MKG Seminar on the disposal of nuclear waste in
                   Forsmark at Uniting Church in Sweden, Svarvargatan
                   6, in Osthammar (S)
23/10/16 9.30 AM:  CND Open Conference: new times, new methods? at
                   Mechanics Centre, 103 Princess Street, in
                   Manchester, M1 6DD (UK)
29/10/16 at 1 PM:  supraregional rally against nuclear fuel
                   fabrication facility and nuclear power plant at
                   railway station in Lingen (D)
25/11/16 at 11 AM: conference on Castor temporary repository at
                   Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten, Mainaustr. 42, in
                   Würzburg (D)
05/12/16-11/12/16: seminar "Atomgefahren im Ostseeraum" at project
                   house, Am Bärental 6, in Döbeln (D)
probably 2017:     Castor transport Resistance in France and Germany
01/03/17-01/04/17: Main hearing on the Environmental Court on SKB's
                   application to build KBS3 at District Court, in
                   Nacka (S)

15. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 23rd issue of
the NukeNews is 9th of October, 2016.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: