NukeNews No. 18 - SLOVENIAN

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*     NukeNews #18 - Proti-jedrski informacijski servis    *

0.  Predgovor
To poletje mora Fennovia-Rosatom začeti z gradnjo načrtovane jedrske
elektrarne Hanhikivi na Finskem - v nasprotnem bo postala politična
"načelna odločitev" o podpori novi jedrski elektrarni neveljavna.
Trenutno se proti-jedrski aktivisti na Finskem ukvarjajo s kreativnimi
dogodki, akcijskimi in protestnimi kampi. V tej številki lahko
preberete dvoje sporočil o nedavnih aktivnostih Fennovoime.

Število člankov ponuja vpogled v zadnja jedrska dogajanja v posameznih
evropskih državah, obenem pa tudi vpogled v Avstralijo, Združene
države in Kanado. Pomembna tema za evropske prebivalce in
proti-jedrske organizacije je novica o pogodbi Euratom, ki ima velik
pomen za razvoj jedrske energije v Evropski Uniji in ki signalizira
več ovir za dosledno postopno opuščanje jedrske energije.

Upamo, da vam bo 18. številka NukeNews všeč!

Povzetek NukeNews #18
0.  Predgovor
1.  Proti-jedrski akcijski kamp, Pyhäjoki(Finska)
2.  Uradno poročilo: Nesreča na odlagališču radioaktivnih odpadkov
    povzročena zaradi napačne stelje za mačke
3.  Ontario ostaja zavezan jedrski energiji
4.  Fennovoima že seka zaščitene gozdove za načrtovano jedrsko
5.  Poplavljeni predlagani rudnik urana v Avstraliji opozarja na
6.  Poljska: Vodje lokalnih oblasti pozivajo, da se sprejme odločitev
    o umestitvi načrtovane jedrske elektrarne v prostor
7.  Poljsko-francoska medvladna posvetovanja o podnebju in energiji
8.  77 odstotkov Poljakov podpira obnovljive vire
9.  Chernobyl Day in Vienna
10. EURATOM – Nuclear Power's Paper Fortress
11. Poland's nuclear plans continue dragging in the mud
12. What is currently happening in the Czech Republic
13. The accelerating decline of French nuclear power
14. Austria: Nuclear Energy Conference 2015 - short report
15. Anti-Nuclear Activists go on trial for opposing Trident
16. Joining the dots on fossil fuels, nukes and climate change
17. Upcoming events
18. About NukeNews

1.  Proti-jedrski akcijski kamp, Pyhäjoki(Finska)
Podjetje Fennovoima načrtuje gradnjo nove jedrske elektrarne na
ekološko dragocenem rtu Hanhikivi v okrožju Pyhäjoki, na severozahodu
Finske. Ustavimo ta neodgovoren in nevaren projekt! Energija ljudi
proti jedrski energiji! Proti-jedrski akcijski kamp bo potekal blizu
rta Hanhikivi, od 8. do 21. junija, s strani Hyökyaalto, grassroots
mreže (Rising Tide Finland). Cilj kampa je učenje in deljenje znanja
ter idej o različnih oblikah neposrednega odpora. Udeležence
spodbujamo, da zagotovijo teme in del programa. Soglasno odločanje ima
prednost. Kakršna koli diskriminacija, naj si bo to na podlagi spola,
spolne usmerjenosti ali narodnosti, je strogo prepovedana. Politične
stranke ali nacionalni znaki ne spadajo v ta kamp.

Preberite celoten članek:!_Anti-nuclear_action_camp_in_Pyh%C3%A4joki/Finland

2.  Uradno poročilo: Nesreča na odlagališču radioaktivnih odpadkov
    povzročena zaradi napačne stelje za mačke
Celoletna preiskava ameriškega ministrstva za energijo, z 277 strani
dolgim poročilom, se je končala s sklepom, da je bila hujša nesreča na
odlagališču jedrskih odpadkov v New Mexico-u februarja 2014 povzročena
zaradi rabe napačne znamke stelje za mačke (op: ta material se pogosto
uporablja v odlagališčih radioaktivnih odpadkov). To je isto
odlagališče jedrskih odpadkov, ki ga je kandaska Organizacija za
upravljanje z jedrskimi odpadki (NWMO) uporabila kot model za njihovo
lastno jedrsko odlagališče, predlagano na obali jezera Huron v

3.  Ontario ostaja zavezan jedrski energiji
Ontario je sredi energetske revolucije, a ostaja vztrajno zavezan k
rabi jedrske energije. Medtem ko večina jedrskih elektrarn v Ontariu
vstopa v zadnjo fazo njihove načrtovane obratovalne dobe, vlada
nadaljuje z vlaganjem milijard dolarjev v podaljšanje življenjske
dobe, medtem ko so veliko bolj ekonomsko upravičene in obnovljive
možnosti zapostavljene.

4.  Fennovoima že seka zaščitene gozdove za načrtovano jedrsko
Na rtu Hanhikivi (Pyhäjoki), na Finskem, Fennovoima seka gozdove in
uničuje občutljivo naravo, zaradi izgradnje ceste za jedrsko
elektrarno. Trenutno imajo dovoljenje s strani lokalne občine za posek
okoli 100 hektarjev ekološko dragocenega območja, kar je ena petina
celotnega rta Hanhikivi.

Finska odločitev za elektrarno je bila načeloma pogojna, saj ostaja
odprtih še veliko pomembnih vprašanj: Bo dovolj zainteresiranih
finskih ali evropskih deležnikov pristopilo k projektu? Kakšen je plan
za jedrske odpadke? Če elektrarna ne bo nikoli zgrajena, je območje
uničeno zaman.  

Preberi celoten članek:

5.  Poplavljeni predlagani rudnik urana v Avstraliji opozarja na
Lake Way, lokacija predlaganega rudnika urana Toro Energy je bila
poplavljena, kar vzbuja globoko zaskrbljenost glede prihodnosti
načrtovanega rudarjenja urana na jezerskem dnu. Toro Energy Ltd
načrtuje hrambo radioaktivne jalovine iz predlaganega rudnika urana
Wiluna - do 100 milijonov ton - v zapuščenih rovih Centipede in
Millipede, ki se bodo prav tako znašli na jezerskem dnu. Tudi trenutno
so pod vodo.

6.  Poljska: Vodje lokalnih oblasti pozivajo, da se sprejme odločitev
    o umestitvi načrtovane jedrske elektrarne v prostor
Tri vodje lokalnih vlad so v pismu pozvali novo predsednico vlade, Ewi
Kopacz, da sprejme končno odločitev o gradnji (ali ne) jedrske
elektrarne na eni izmed njihovih lokacij. Trdijo, da pomanjkanje trdne
odločitve in nenehne zamude vodijo do oprijemljivih izgub v njihovih
proračunih in obenem ovirajo njihov razvoj. Trdijo tudi, da je lokalno
prebivalstvo naklonjeno možni gradnji jedrske elektrarne.


7.  Poljsko-francoska medvladna posvetovanja o podnebju in energiji
2. februarja 2015 je potekalo poljsko - francosko srečanje (označeno
kot medvladna posvetovanja) v zvezi s podnebnimi in energetskimi
zadevami: koncept energetske unije in okviri podnebne in energetske
politike. Razvoj jedrske energije je bil označen kot dober, a dalje o
tej temi mediji niso poročali.

8.  77 odstotkov Poljakov podpira obnovljive vire
Nova anketa Centra za raziskovanje javnega mnenja na Poljskem (CBOS)
je v začetku februarja 2015 razkrila, da je 77 odstotkov Poljakov
naklonjenih ideji, da bi Poljska povečala rabo obnovljivih virov
energije. Obnovljive vire podpirajo predvsem ženske in mladi, pa tudi
premožnejši posamezniki.


9.  Chernobyl Day in Vienna 
On 24th April 2015 the Viennese Platform Nuclear-Free commemorated the
catastrophe of Chernobyl, which occurred 29 years ago.  Activists -
dressed in wasp-like yellow - gathered in front of the Austrian
Federal Chancellor's office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to
warn about the radioactivity that might threaten Austria due to the
construction of new nuclear reactors and their radioactive waste.
Once more the activists urged the Austrian government to prevent the
construction of new nuclear plants in our neighbouring countries
Hungary and Czech Republic.

10. EURATOM – Nuclear Power's Paper Fortress
Unchanged since 1957 – even despite Chernobyl and Fukushima! – those
letters on paper that make up the EURATOM Treaty are much more
powerful and influential than many are aware of, even within the
antinuclear movement. Through tremendous privileges for the nuclear
industry and research laid down in the Treaty itself and in secondary
EU legislation (binding regulations, guidelines, recommendations),
EURATOM is the fertile ground on which grow new nuclear installations
and, subsequently, ever more uranium mining, radioactive waste and
weapons material proliferation. Ultimately, this means increased risks
on the one hand, and more work, never-ending work for citizens.

Lately (2014), the British government and the European Commission (EC)
have referred to the EURATOM Treaty (ET) in order to justify the
approval of big subsidies for the planned nuclear power station
HINKLEY POINT C. Probably because they know full well that the 1957
nuclear-euphoric preamble and introductory articles of the ET provide
the only chance for the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to reject the
forthcoming Austrian complaint against these subsidies, while EU
competition rules would entail legal victory for Austria.

Read the complete article:

11. Poland's nuclear plans continue dragging in the mud
According to the original schedule, the construction of Poland's first
nuclear power plant should already have started in 2013. It is now
clear that the final go-ahead will not be given before 2017, if ever.

Just before his departure to the EU, former Polish Prime Minister
Donald Tusk forced three other state owned companies, ENEA, Tauron and
the copper miner KGHM to take 10% of PGE EJ1. Financing is now
foreseen to be organised with a corporate set-up like TVO and
Fennovoima in Finland (the Mankala model, whereby no VAT needs to be
paid by the first consumers because the owners get electricity to the
rate of shares they have in the project "for their own use" and then
are responsible for selling it) combined with financial support like
the United Kingdom created for Hinkley Point C - a deal that in the
coming weeks will be put before the European Court by Austria and
Luxembourg, because of alleged illegal state aid and market

Read the complete article:

12. What is currently happening in the Czech Republic
The Czech government approved the State Energy Policy (ASEK) on 18 May
2015. Calla, along with other associations – the Friends of the Earth
and Greenpeace - issued a joint press release for it. One of the most
contentious issues, which the policy promotes, is the high proportion
of nuclear energy and coal. When looking into the study called Smart
Energy (2009), you will find that the policy resembles the first and
the worst-case scenario called "No Active Policy" because the Czech
Republic does virtually nothing for the transformation of Czech energy
towards renewable energy (renewables' share in electricity production
should be max. 25%, and it is unclear whether the state intends to
help households in achieving energy autonomy). On the contrary, the
Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO) wants to re-enforce its plans for
new nuclear reactors. And the National Action Plan for the Development
of Nuclear Energy in the Czech Republic (NAP JE ČR) aims at pushing
these through.

NAP ČR is to be adopted in the coming weeks. The MPO Minister, Jan
Mládek, and Finance Minister, Andrej Babiš, collaborated on it. The
plan's formation could be classified as “top secret”. The plan
promotes four nuclear reactors, two at Dukovany NPP and two at Temelín
NPP. It is expected, however, that eventually "only" two reactors will
go ahead (the Dukovany dating from 1985 to 1987 should outstrip the
Temelín from 2000-02). Mládek applies his model: we shall decide now,
begin the licensing process, the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA), urban planning, vendor selection, spend up to 1.2 billion EUR
by 2025 and then decide where to build the nuclear reactors and how
the State will support the decision financially.

Read the complete article:

13. The accelerating decline of French nuclear power
France is at a crossroads and is having a national energy debate. A
draft bill before the French Parliament calls for reducing French
reliance on nuclear to 50 % by 2025. Fossil fuels would be cut by 30 %
by 2030. Renewables would increase by 32% and overall energy use would
drop by 20 % (and drop by 50 % by mid-century), achieved primarily by
increasing energy efficiency. The Parliament is expected to approve
the policy next month.

However, it still needs to pass through the Senate and then back again
to the assemblé nationale - it all depends on what the installed
capacity limit is. If the capacity is limited at current capacity 63.2
GW it means only one nuclear plant has to close to compensate for the
EPR being built at Flamanville. 50 % reduction in nuclear by 2025
sounds good in theory but if overall electricity consumption increases
no NPP's will close. The French Senate on the first reading of the law
increased the installed capacity limit to 64.85 GW and didn't have a
date for the 50 % reduction in nuclear. The proposed law will now go
to the French Senate for a second reading before going back again to
the assemblé nationale to be adopted definitely so still time for

More information:

14. Austria: Nuclear Energy Conference 2015 - short report
Linz was the venue, where around 150 activists from 12 countries met
on the 19th of May 2015 to listen to interesting talks about the
current situation in Germany, Austria, Poland, France, the Czech
Republic and England. In each country the work of the anti-nuclear
network is quite different, the complications with which the nuclear
lobby is battling seem similar however: where to find investors in a
field, that is increasingly a financial pain in the neck, while the
renewables get cheaper and cheaper? And at the same time how to
explain to the public, that they should not worry about their money,
.... which will be especially interesting in the British case.

The organizers of the conference, atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!,
Mütter gegen Atomgefahr and Anti Atom Komitee, supported by the
Upper Austrian regional government also arranged possibilities for
networking before and after the conference. An online presentation of
the conference can be found here:

15. Anti-Nuclear Activists go on trial for opposing Trident
2 Anti-Nuclear Activists from Somerset in the UK, Nikki Clark & Theo
Simon, are due to go on trial to defend themselves against allegations
of aggravated trespass, at HMP Devonport - a port where Britain's
Nuclear Submarines that carry the UK Trident missile system is berthed
for major upgrades. The Trial date had originally been set for May
19th, however this date was adjourned on the day before the trial
date, the same day as a big Trident Scandal story broke in the UK. A
Trident Submariner William McNeilly, published a dossier about Trident
safety & security breaches on wiki-leaks after going absent without

For more information about the trial see here:

as soon as a date is set it will be published here:

and about the dossier on safety & security breaches on Trident:

16. Joining the dots on fossil fuels, nukes and climate change
Climate and Energy Activists in the UK joined up the dots on fossil
fuels, nukes and climate change at the Reclaim Power camp in Oxford at
the last weekend of May which culminated in a day of direct action on
Monday 1st June, which targeted Public Relations firms involved, with
fossil fuels, fracking and nuclear power. Actions involved, office
occupations with lock-on tubes and street theatre turning Camargue
into a Nuclear Contamination Zone... for more info see here:

17. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the big
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

01/06/14-June '15: "Bure 365" - decentralized actions against nuclear
                   waste repository in Bure (F)
07/06/15 8.30 AM:  mass rally in Bure (F)
08/06/15-21/06/15: anti-nuclear Better Power! camp in Pyhäjoki (FIN)
08/06/15-26/06/15: photo exhibition "Was wäre, wenn ... Brokdorf |
                   Tschernobyl. Eine Gegenüberstellung" at
                   Kreisvolkshochschule, Landhausstr. 4, in
                   Freudenstadt (D)
08/06/15 1.30 PM:  trial against 2013 energy transition rally climbing
                   activists at Local Court, room 862, Turmstr. 91, in
                   Berlin (D)
14/06/15 2 PM:     rally against Tihange NPP at Dreiländereck,
                   Dreiländereckweg, in Aachen (D)
20/06/15 11 AM:    conference "Atommüll ohne Ende (Teil 2)" at
                   Tagungszentrum Pfefferberg, Schönhauser Allee 176,
                   in Berlin (D)
20/06/15 12 PM:    Scrap Trident bloc at End Austerity Now demo at
                   Bank of England, Queen Victoria St, in London (UK)
23/06/15 9 AM:     trial against 2011 Castor activists at Local Court,
                   room 1.120, in Fulda (D)
09/07/15-19/07/15: International Uranium Film Festival in Rio de
                   Janeiro (BR)
04/08/15-06/08/15: Peace Walk from Walnut Creek (Mt. Diablo Unitarian
                   Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, WC) to
                   Livermore (USA)
06/08/15-09/08/15: Hiroshima-Nagasaki International Fast at Livermore
                   Lab, East Gate, Greenville Road, in Livermore (USA)
06/08/15-09/08/15: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration Fast in
                   central London (UK)
15/08/15-31/08/15: West Australia Nuclear Free Alliance WANFA Art
                   exhibition at Moores Gallery, 46 Henry St, in
                   Fremantle (AU)
16/08/15-19/09/15: Walkatjurra Walkabout - Walking for Country from
                   Wiluna to Leonora (AU)
09/09/15-11/09/15: World Nuclear Symposium 2015 in London (UK)
09/09/15 10 AM:    trial against activists' 2012 protests at Lingen
                   nuclear fuel fabrication plant at Local Court in
                   Lingen (D)
after 12/09/15:    decentralized atomic transport actions nationwide
                   on the route of the first recognized shipment of
                   uranium ore concentrate from Hamburg harbour (D)
19/09/15 11 AM:    nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
03/10/15 2 PM:     annual Internationales Aktionsbündnis gegen
                   Cattenom mass rally against Cattenom NPP at Place
                   Saint-Louis in Metz (F)
05/10/15-16/10/15: International Uranium Film Festival in
                   Florianopolis (BR)
23/10/15:          nuclear waste law symposium (D)
25/04/16-01/05/16: European Action Weeks For A Future After Chernobyl
                   And Fukushima
09/05/16-13/05/16: pro-nuclear 14th Congress of the International
                   Radiation Protection Association: "Practising
                   Radiation Protection: Sharing the Experience and
                   New Challenges" at International Convention Centre,
                   in Cape Town (South Africa)
01/09/16-30/11/16: main hearing on the Environmental Court on SKB's
                   application to build KBS3 final nuclear waste
                   repository at District Court in Nacka (S)
2017:              (probably) Castor transport of high level
                   radioactive waste from Sellafield (UK) and of
                   intermediate level radioactive waste from La Hague
                   (F) to Gorleben (D) and protests!_camp

18. About NukeNews 
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"news AT NukeNews DOT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be
very brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one
paragraph. We need a concise headline for your article, and you can
add a link to a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the
19th issue of the NukeNews is 16th of August, 2015.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: